Overview: I'm pretty open musically! There's music that I've never been able to get into at all (very scream-y music, stuff without a strong melody) but as long as the song fits the vid, that's the priority. In terms of vids, I hate dialogue in vids, and I get migraines, so strobing/very quick flashing lights are maybe something to be avoided, but other than that, there are no strong dislikes. I do tend to prefer serious vids over humorous ones, but my definition of "serious" is pretty broad, and I've definitely seen humorous vids I've liked, so again, whatever works for the vid. Mostly, what I want out of a vid is to feel something, or to see canon in a new light.
Superstore: I don't even know. I love this show to pieces. I love every character. I love Jonah/Amy, and their long, slow burn, and how many problems they have, and how they don't quite fit, and how delighted they are with each other anyway. I love Garrett, and how he winds everyone up. I love Garrett/Dina, because I love relationships that aren't relationships. I love Dina! I love Dina and Amy! And Amy and Cheyenne, and that loving but kind of uncomfortable maternal relationship, and how it's a little bit sad all the way through. And I love Mateo and Cheyenne, and I love how Mateo kind of hates Jonah. And I love how Glenn kind of sucks, and how the show sort of acknowledges it? (I'm not a huge Glenn fan, I guess, but he has his moments!) And I love how everyone kind of sucks sometimes, just like, because human beings suck sometimes. And I love all the side characters. And Sandra! And Kelly! I love Kelly SO MUCH, it's amazing how much I love Kelly. And I love the way the show tells stories, its serialization and also how the store turns into this little world where in every episode all of the plots just bounce off each other. And I love how melancholy the show can be, and how sometimes the episodes just feel like they don't end, but it never stops being really funny.
What I'm saying is that you could make a vid about literally almost anything in Superstore and I would be really, really happy.
The Good Fight: I love this show, but I also feel a resistance against it. Not necessarily in a totally bad way, but there's stuff going on under the surface that I think bears digging into. (Most recently, with what happened with Maia at the end of season three, which I can't totally settle on whether is in-character or not, but which leaves me feeling... vaguely unsettled. But there's stuff like that all over the place.) I think in some ways it's a show that's intentionally built to be that way, because of its subject matter, but I also think that it's possible that there are unexamined critiques to be made of it. Or maybe unexamined discoveries to be made about it! I don't know. But for this one, I want a vid that really pulls the show apart. Again, not necessarily a critique, although it can be, if that's where you end up. Just something that digs in and gets at something unspoken, or below the surface. Pick at a thread, any thread, and start unraveling. I want to see the show from the inside out.
A League of Their Own: Prove that Dottie didn't drop the ball on purpose.
Or if that's too high-concept, just good old-fashioned team family feels, would be great.
Higher Ground: Lean into the late 90s angst of it all. Shelby/Daisy/Scott are the characters that amuse me most, but you do you. If you wanted to rope in some extra material from the actors' later, more famous work to try to play into a theme, I would not be opposed, and indeed, might be delighted. (Though I'd prefer not a straight-up constructed narrative, like not a video about how Shelby grows up to join the BAU.)
Babylon 5: Something epic. Ivanova and Garabaldi are my favorites, and I've never been able to muster even the slightest sympathy for Londo, but whatever you want. Just something epic.
One Day at a Time: You know how Penelope and Schneider have a lot of really uncomfortable chemistry that the show has no idea what to do with? Boy would I love something about that. (To be clear, not a shipping video: A video about how they have all this chemistry, but it's really uncomfortable and clearly a bad idea and neither the characters nor the writers know what to do about it.)
Or, uh, failing that, I love Elena.