To save all our lives you have to envision the fiery crash

Apr 17, 2011 23:44

So, I'm in the Philadelphia airport, where I've just had my second cancelled flight of the day. Plus, on the landing of the flight from Kansas City, there was awful turbulence and the plane had to circle around three times, and when we landed, all of the passengers applauded because everyone was just a little afraid they were going to die.

Then our flight to Pittsburgh was delayed, so we didn't miss it, except then it just...never came. Nobody really seemed to know why. So then we went to a later flight to Pittsburgh, except that then the first officer went missing, so they had to cancel that as well. So now we're maybe getting another flight, or maybe they're giving us a hotel room.

On the bright side: I may get to miss my statistics exam tomorrow morning.

(This post probably sounds more bitter than it actually is. There's nothing life-or-death waiting for me in Pittsburgh, so I honestly think this is all kind of fun. *g*)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. Having met my niece, I can confirm that she is, in fact, the best niece in the world. Despite being teeny-tiny and lacking speech or fine motor control.

my niece is cooler than you, stories for my future memoirs, school daze, this is not the tag you're looking for

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