Ange-lick part 8: Like a loli. And today's rage

May 30, 2010 22:46

I'm dating an older guy since Tuesday. He's maybe in his forties or fifties, Idk.

He's very nice ^^ He likes to talk about books, movies, kabuki theatre(<333), politics, religion, photography...

He also gives me presents. Books, a magazine, lunch at good restaurants and two cds (one from Sinead O'Connor  and a Photoshop cd-rom) till now. <--(this sentence makes me feel like a sugarbaby .__.')

Unfortunately, he dresses like my History teacher from high school XP

It's like findng a treasure. How many brazilians like to read? Oh, wait, he's not brazilian. He's argentinian. HA!

(I think I can count on my fingers how many readers I found in my whole life *counts* ....eight. Mom, Anne, my bff, a teacher, my newest friend Tatiana, an unkown guy getting abandoned books and two ex-classmates.  See?)

Of course, I'm counting the brazilian readers.

Oh, a story: some months ago, I was going to a book store and this happened:

me:-Please, I'm looking for The Iliad and The Odissey, by Homer.
me:-No, "Iliad".
me:*gets a paper and write the names*
salesgirl: *looks at computer* -Oh, Iliad and Odyssey, by "Romer".
me: *sighs*
salesgirl:-We have a special edition for R$109,00.
me:-Is it in verse or prose?
salesgirl:- I don't know... It's just written "poetry" at the information.
You don't imagine how much I wanted to slap her. Or who hired her. Why would someone employ a person who doesn't understand about books in a bookstore? For heaven's sake!

Okay, time to stop.

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