Mar 20, 2005 21:35
just in case anybody missed it...
"just because my idea of a good time doesnt mean getting fucking wrecked and pissing in the snow in front of everyone and puking my fucking guts out doesnt mean that its ur place to tell me what to do. plus, you're seniors. why the fuck would you leave comments on a sophomores journal?? wicked cool, let me tell ya. i dont care what anyone else thinks about me. if you dont like me, fuck off and leave me alone. if you do like me, more power to ya. but just cuz i dont drink and i dont smoke pot doesnt mean that im an uptight little bastard. all it means is that i wanna keep my body clean and i dont feel like damaging my brain and endin up a veg at age like 22 and living on a street corners. im smarter, im better, and im a lot nicer than that.
and who are you to say whats fun or not? friday nite was ruined by you douchebags who think that getting trashed and passing out is a good time. u ruined a nite for some of us, and yourselves.
plus, who are you to leave fucking anonymous comments on my lj? are you some kinda pussy? at least put ur name down so i can see the douchebag whose cool enuff to leave a comment on my journal cuz they think theyre the shit cuz they smoke and drink. and you cant even own up to being the one makin fun of me? whos cool now. at least i have some dignity and i can take care of myself. ohh youre badass now cuz you get smashed all the time and youre gonna end up begging people like me on street corners. cuz you will live on my fucking sidewalk. ull flip burgers one day and i'll own the world. once you have fried your brain so bad you cant talk, i hope you remember that im the one that can still think for myself and piss without someone helping me. if that makes you cool, then im quite happy bein the biggest fucking loser on the planet. at least i have respect for myself and those around me (aka jackie schubert, whose party you ruined, by the way). i hope you all die from overdoses...or drunk driving. peace out, fuckers.
Steve. Steve-o. Steve-a-rino. Take a chill pill mayne. Nobody ever said puking was fun. And your insinuating that just because we drink and smoke that we are going to "flip burgers." Thats incredibly arrogant and naive. I understand that your a sophmore and maybe you need some more time to realize that highschool is just fun and it's really not as horrible as you think. I know because I was the same way when I was a freshman. Since day one we've been told that drinking and smoking are bad, they only lead to dead ends and AA, and I believed it, just like you do. It's a lie they told us until we would be able to figure things out ourselves; the problem is not everyone figures it out right away. Sure, drinking and smoking are dangerous, but no more dangerous than driving, or crossing the street for that matter. If your an irresponsible person, your going to be dangerous no matter what you do, regardless of whether your intoxicated or not- it's always us who make decisions, not the substances. My point is that alchohol and pot do not make you insane, they don't fill your head with evil thoughts of rape and armed robbery. Alcohol makes you want to dance, and talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to, and in general have a good time. If you drink to much, you pay the price, but moderation is key, like with everything. Mexican food is good, but if you eat to much, you shit yourself. Same with drinking. The sooner you realize that the aforementioned substances really aren't bad, then the sooner your going to really start enjoying school. That doesn't mean you aren't going to enjoy highschool until you start drinking-- you dont need to touch a drop or a joint all four years and you could have a blast... what it means is that you will enjoy school more when you stop judging people based on what they do for fun. "I hope you all die from overdoses"? I mean, come on dude, thats really harsh. I understand that you were called out pretty visciously on your livejournal, but you did say you were "way too nice for drugs." If your too nice for drugs (which doesn't even make sense), I guess your not too nice to wish death on some people. Please, if you hate me, thats fine, but at least do one thing. Get educated about something before you make judgements. You dont have to participate, but at least be around it a little, and then form an opinion, because a lot of your anger and criticsm is completely missing the mark.
Im going to pay less for college than I did for Fenwick because I won a scholarship, and I haven't been straight since sophmore year.