The life of a freelance journalist is filled with things that suck: the constant hustling for work; calling editors to check up on overdue payments; sitting for hours and hours in your own home office, feeling like you're never going to see the outside world again. But all of that is nothing compared to how much I hate, hate, _hate_ transcribing interviews.
Listening to the sound of my own voice makes me cringe. It sounds a lot different (read: better) in my own head. Once it's on a recording, my voice sounds like a Looney Tunes character: one of those big, dumb thugs that Bugs Bunny was forever leading into self-incrimination and falling anvils. Daaaah, don't you worry, never fear; Robin Hood will soon be here.
I almost wish that I'd taken up cigarettes and quantities of whiskey when I was ten years old, so that now I could pretend that I was transcribing Tom Waits or something. Anything but listening to this dopey asshole blather on and on.