(no subject)

Dec 20, 2008 14:45

Hey, guess what.

What ?

I'm moving into New York next week.
I've decided to look for an apartment there.

You'll move there?

No, it's just a place to stay when I'm there.
No more luggage, woohoo!
Like a crash-pad

You lucky mister.

I've looked for a three-bedroomed in case I meet someone
and have kids.

(collapses on a bench, stoned faced)

I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

Why don't you love me?
Are you just buying your time with me ?

I thought you'd understood.

So ..
I can either hurt now..
..or hurt later.
Now, I guess.

I've been reading a lot of books on tape..
..about ..
..getting into the moment.
I think.
This is the moment. And in the moment..
..this moment.. I, I..
..I think we should kiss.
And, um.
I've stood right here before and I've been hurt
I've been rejectifying you.
And I'm gonna ask you to kiss me again.
And .. um ..
A-- And ..

Will you just kiss me ?

So what made you do all of this ?

All of this what ?

All this ..

.. success ?
Well, you did.

I did?


How ?

Well, you said.. "just do it".

So I did it.

That's not very much.

Yeah, but.. I'll protect you.
I will !

Some nights alone he thinks of her.
And some nights alone..
..she thinks of him.
Some nights these thoughts occur at the same moment.
And they are connected without ever knowing it.
But she, now feeling the warmth of her first reciprocal love
..has broken away from him.
And as her new love offers her more of his heart,
She offers equal parts of herself in return.
One night, sooner than she would have liked..
..which made it irresistible..
..they make love for the second time in 14 months.
At this point..
..her new love surpasses him as a lover of hers..
..because what he offers her..
..is tender..
..and true.

I'm just gonna go talk to my friend.
I'll be back in a second.

Did you get my birthday present ?

I did!
Did you get my thank-you note ?

Oh. Yeah. Yes, yes. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

It's okay.

You look nice.

Thank you.

Are you happy ?

I am.

A lower intensity is nice.


Who's your girlfriend ?

Uh, she's a doctor
Well, she's a gynaecologist.

Then you'll have a lot to discuss.

Are you happy ?

I'm.. I'm always a low edgy.


That's a good word.

I want you to have a drawing of me sleeping.
It's in the gallery.

You don't have to do that.

No, I want you to have it
I made it while we were seeing each other.

Thank you.

And , uh..
Just so you know.
I'm sorry for the way I treated you.

I know.

I did love you.

All right.

As her watched her walk away..
..he feels a loss.
How is it possible.. - he thinks.
..to miss a woman whom he kept at a distance..
..so that when she was gone..
..he would not miss her.
Only then did he realise how wanting part of her..
..and not all of her..
..had hurt them both..
..and how he cannot justify his actions..
..except that..
..it was life.
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