So, with Holsinger's nomination for Surgeon General (
you did know about that, right?) I've been rereading (I read it once for a project that never got the funding to continue. Maybe some day) the ex-gay bible, "Homosexuality" by Dr. Charles Socarides (whose son is apparently a gay rights activist in Chelsea. I can't begin to imagine what those Thanksgivings were like). And I came across a sentence that I just couldn't even begin to parse:
"The anal-sadistic impulses in homosexuality can be equated with stool=penis=baby=money."
Now.... First of all.... I.... Let me collect myself for a second.
Let's just take this in bits. "Stool=penis," I just don't really see that. I mean, right off the bat, stool comes out, the penis goes in. Stool=Baby I could see. I mean, after all, both come out of you. You birth both in a sense. And sometimes after I take a dump, I will admit, I do pick it up and try to nurse it. I just forget, you know, because they're so similar.
But any idiot can tell you that penis is clearly not on par with baby. I mean, penis creates babies. I see it more like a game of rock paper scissor. Penis makes baby, baby eats stool, stool desiccates erection (this is an imperfect word for the shrivelling of a penis, but I couldn't think of a verb form for "flaccid").
And I don't have any idea where money fits into this whole mess. In fact, when I first saw that sentence I thought it said "Stool=penis=baby=monkey" which made a lot more sense to me. Understand, it didn't make SENSE sense, but it made more sense, because, you know, babies sort of reminds me of monkeys, especially if it were some kind of magical poop baby. But it's not "monkey" (and even if it were, that wouldn't explain the penis in there, I probably wouldn't go around fucking a fecal monkey baby) it's "money." How in the hell does a baby=money. Babies don't make you money (unless the eyes stay blue) they cost money.
Not to mention that math teaches us that if A=B and B=C then A=C. Which means that not only does baby=money, but penis also = money. As does stool. Which is... weird.