Internet day today.
Decided that if I'm going to read things or play games online,
I will be paid for doing so.
I also decided to attach my picture to some very liberal statements against Palin on iReport
...I really want to be featured on CNN
some people bitched me out,
but they missed the point of my piece completely
and others that supported me also missed the point
some people got it though.
Pretty much, I hate all four candidates
but which is less evil? which has less evil motives?
If that can even be calculated?
McCain and Obama should have ran together
I think it could have worked.
(Except for foreign policy, let's elect Oprah to deal with that one, eh?)
And we should stick Hillary and Bill in the White House again too
Let them deal with the economy and Bill can be the resident Genius
Greenspan can be his sidekick/partner
Oh, and why do we never find real geniuses (or scientific ones at least) running for office?
They've figured out the probability of their win versus the evil actions to get there
I'm sure, one has to do some pretty fucked up things to end up in the Presidential Race?
Who does the most good along the way?
What evil was necessary for a greater good and why does Sarah Palin spend $150,000 on clothes.
She should have just given it to Charity and said, "I'm a woman and my clothes are fine, better than fine, thank you." She should have went to Sears in a small failing town that needed business and spend like... $5,000... tops. If she was that insecure.
Evil woman.
I swear, she's denying her compassion. She's probably denied it for a long time.
Poor woman. Poor can't be evil, just pathetic.
Also... what is the definition of a Maverick?
According to Merriam-Webster
"1: an unbranded range animal ; especially : a motherless calf 2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party" ...I want someone who doesn't not go along with America. I want someone branded with American Spirit. I want someone who is going to be American while existing as an actualized human being too. I want someone who doesn't identify with a word that makes him sound like an emotionally wounded animal! I want someone who feels safe, lucky, comfortable, and proud to be in America's arms.
So, this person obviously doesn't exist and can never be a president. So "Maverick" with all its negative connotations fits.
Now, don't jump to conclusions.
I hate Obama too.
...Who did the most good along the way?
Who had to be evil to accomplish something greater?
Which candidate that I hate... will I vote for?
I don't know.
I think I'll do the right thing. The more I read, the more facts, the more inundated with... pretty much irrelevant information about the past of these candidates that I realize what matters. The future cannot be predicted, only assumed.