
Apr 08, 2007 10:36

Sorry about the extreme lateness of these. I suck. I just haven't had any idea what to do with these. They haven't turned out the best, but I thought I'd better post them.
Requests obviously isn't my thing.











01-02 x_devilxchild_x
03-05 immortal_teacup
06-08 daphneejen
09-09 colorbox
10-11 inpoetry
12-14 crazybohemian18
15-17 bluepurple3
18-20 _justher_
21-22 carwash_r0mance
23-25 ohlovelyy
26-27 animebooklover
28-29 dreamtdesire

'requests, act, music, tv, movie

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