... I used to say that a lot, when I used to play Dark Tower - anyone remember Dark Tower, the board game?
http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30/dark-tower I sure do, especially since in cleaning up my house I found two of them. I have no idea why I have two but damn, did my brother and I and my friends have a lot of fun with that game.
As BoardGameGeek.com notes, it was utterly primitive by today's standards - but I didn't care; the game pieces, the art, the board itself were amazing. Lots of imagination went into this and I wish I'd given into temptation and built a D&D or Champions adventure around the world of Dark Tower. I like how each kingdom had it's own distinctive flag, it's own distinctive armor and dress, in the game pieces; and just look at the event and item icons -
http://boardgamegeek.com/image/103285/dark-tower?size=large Gorgeous, if a bit campy 70's. (
nightmarehorse, you may now crown me king geek again.)
Man, I always thought the Wizard looked SERIOUS. My brother would always go "We're CLOSED NOW, infidel!" when you got 'Bazaar Closed', for haggling too much. Sometimes when you entered a tomb, instead of getting the 'creaking door' sound and then the 'battle charge!' trumpets you just got the door sound creaking SHUT. I'd complain to my bro about those damned revolving doors the ancients put on the tombs.
And oh, I wish I still had that pegasus. Given of course, I already HAVE another red pegasus that gets great gas milage.
So did anyone else have this game?
EDIT: Oh and this:
http://boardgamegeek.com/image/178468/dark-tower?size=large - for some weird reason I always wanted to play as the kingdom that had that unicorn hippocampus pennant. For some weird reason.