Oct 10, 2004 19:32
Stahmann Farms...lol..I write an entire entry and that's all that shows on my journal, so it seems as if I only updated to promote..lol
Well let's start over:
This weekend started on friday when we went to the play at Hershel. I enjoyed it and I ended up seeing a lot of my friends there. Saturday was great too. My aunt gave me a lot of incenses and an incense holder along with a lot of beautiful soaps and lotions for no reason other to give them to me, which is always great! Towards late evening Jackie and I went to the Jazz festival in Mesilla. We ran into Diane and met some of her international friends. The music and atmosphere was nice, even when we went into Lulus we could hear the soft sounds of jazz wafting through the air. We then went to our favorite spot, our home in Mesilla, which is Stahmann's. That place is wonderful, we saw our favorite sales clerk and went to visit the lovely couple who run the chile store up above Stahmann's. Stayed and talked to them for a bit and enjoyed the samples they were offering us, especially the raspberry salsa. I don't even like salsa, but that stuff was great!
Afterwards Jackie and Shannon insisted on supporting the Aggies, which lasted until about half time. We ended up leaving early because we got hungry. While we were driving we saw this band practicing, it was strange to see a band with all their equipment out on stage playing into the night with no audience. We stayed for a few songs and found ourselves at Sonic to bother Ashley for a bit. By that time the football game was over so we stayed for awhile just stuffing our faces.
It was also Luke's birthday yesterday so Shannon, Jackie and I went to visit with him for a bit. It was nice to just sit on the benches in the moonlight on a grassy hill. We forgot to bring utensils for the cake and so the nine of us each grabbed a toothpick candle and stabbed the poor cake. Well as one of them said, It was more romantic. And what can be more romantic then disfiguring the icing and chocolate with nine of your friends and getting cake all over your face?
This morning I woke up with an awareness of life. It was wonderful, It was different awareness as if the whole day was filled with endless possiblities. Church only reflected this attitude and the rest of the day followed in such a great pattern. My day ended after coming home from four wheeling with Jackie. We got lost in the desert and all I can say is that the desert is beatiful at night. It is so peaceful to see the mountains and sky and breathing in the fresh air. Without caring about anyting, it is such a freedom, and well what else can I say?
To wander through this living world
And leave uncut the roses
Is to remember fragrance where
The flower no scent encloses
Langston Hughes