I disagree: i'm not confused (this is like reverse psychology).
I agree: It's the post-poetry readings and behind-the-poetry scenes that's the real LIVE social scenario. It's the place where you store all your microphones, exchange your underwear, drink away your anxieties, share all the town gossip, take blackmailable photos, get laid, and live the real LIVE BLOOOOOMINGTON life.
BTW I'm really glad to hear that you set up the PA for the Thursday night reading at E's. That was totally cool of you, and makes me regret not having attended.
Comments 6
So "the poetry scene" is not a "social scenario"??? Confused.
The poetry scene is A social scenario, but certainly not the only one, I'm sure you'll agree.
I agree: It's the post-poetry readings and behind-the-poetry scenes that's the real LIVE social scenario. It's the place where you store all your microphones, exchange your underwear, drink away your anxieties, share all the town gossip, take blackmailable photos, get laid, and live the real LIVE BLOOOOOMINGTON life.
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