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lolol first beatnik September 15 2016, 04:58:20 UTC
name/nickname: lindsey
age: 26
astrological sign: pisces
hobbies and interests: photography, especially with FILM, going to shows, hiking/bonding with nature, travel, psychology, community activism, writing, zines, art journaling
tv/movies: O!ITNB, star trek (TOS, little TNG, new JJ films), parks & rec, mad men, the simpsons, futurama, bob's burgers, rick & morty...
music: classic rock, psych pop, baroque pop, post-punk, a little of everything. all-time faves/current obsessions include: early of montreal, early apples in stereo, animal collective, belle & sebastian, talking heads, david bowie, beatles, elvis depressedly, grateful dead, jefferson airplane, television, frankie cosmos, the kinks, leonard cohen, love....

just for fun
chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry: java chip
if you could pursue any hobby or career without fear of failure, what would you do: i'd sing, play guitar, and take photos of my friends
what's in your purse/backpack: my journal, my wannabe filofax, a glittery blue pencil pouch, my wallet, some green rhoto ( ... )


RE: lolol first ragnarok_08 September 15 2016, 16:33:19 UTC
You sound pretty cool - friends?


RE: lolol first davesmusictank September 15 2016, 18:10:31 UTC
You sound cool - friends?


bourbonboweties September 15 2016, 21:08:17 UTC

You had me at community activism and bonding with nature. May I add? :)


beatnik September 16 2016, 01:21:03 UTC


Re: lolol first ironymaiden September 15 2016, 22:34:23 UTC
i also am erratic about capitalization. it used to be because i was a bad typist. now i type well but it's about what platform i'm on and if i'm going to try to stop mobile autocorrect from messing with my style.

i'd like to add you because you reached out with the meme. i'm always happy to see people trying to keep eljay alive.


RE: Re: lolol first beatnik September 16 2016, 01:16:46 UTC
i read your thread and you seem pretty rad, definitely going to add. :)


RE: lolol first zhelana September 16 2016, 03:44:22 UTC
We have film photography in common - not a common interest! Friends? :)


(The comment has been removed)

RE: lolol first beatnik September 18 2016, 07:03:25 UTC


RE: lolol first malice_n_wonder September 16 2016, 19:01:30 UTC
I love Leonard Cohen, Talking Heads, Star Trek, activism, photography, and swearing. Friends?


RE: lolol first beatnik September 18 2016, 07:02:17 UTC


RE: lolol first malice_n_wonder September 19 2016, 05:24:48 UTC
Thanks! Added back!


Re: lolol first mac_arthur_park September 17 2016, 10:50:14 UTC
Anyone who carries their journal around is my kind of people. Friends?


RE: lolol first daimyeux September 19 2016, 08:48:01 UTC
You sound really awesome. Friends? :)


RE: lolol first deadexplosion October 10 2016, 02:10:18 UTC
I would love it if we could be friends! We have pretty much an identical taste in music which is always a good start!


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