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hanorganaas September 15 2016, 14:19:19 UTC
Thats cool maybe if we start a convo and you like me and we can be friends X33

Oh my god yes! I mean it was obvious he digs Finn and I'm pretty sure crushed on Ben before he went bad. Meanwhile he probably crushes on Leia XD.

Yeah I have Poe with Jaina Solo in one of my fics and someone legit messages me on Tumblr one day and goes "WHY DO YOU HAVE POE WITH JAINA HE CLEARLY LIKES MEN." Queue me looking like:

Anyway Personally I think Poe finds Kindness pretty sexy the most so I am 99.9% sure while Hux is good looking Poe thinks he's as hideous as a Rancor


theemdash September 15 2016, 14:25:15 UTC
Yes! Poe thinks kindness is sexy, you have nailed it.

And I absolutely agree with you that he's had a crush on Leia, though I think by now it's evened out to Extreme Hero Worship. Also, just because we see him clearly check out Finn, it doesn't mean he only likes men. I mean, everyone is his buddy.


hanorganaas September 15 2016, 14:43:30 UTC
Well have you seen Poe he's as pure as a Disney Princess XD

Agreed, Poe at this point believes he could never compete with Han Solo who is alive BTW so yes its Hero Worship.

Also agreed on the Finn thing, unless the character definitely mentions they are Gay [ie Ray Holt in B99] I usually label them as Bisexual. Few exceptions would be Lando Calrissian and Kylo Ren...they I think they are both Gay XD. But its people look at characters....and they go this character is homosexual, and it bugs the fuck out of me sometimes.

And its especially annoying when you see a Bisexual character like Sara Lance kiss Leonard Snart and everyone flips their lid, I am like...SHE MENTIONED SHE IS BI WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM XD.


theemdash September 15 2016, 14:50:02 UTC
I fully admire your dedication to Han Solo Is Alive. I'm not in your boat, but I respect it and will gladly listen to your shouting on the bullhorn.

Well, yes, the coding for gay as villains is pretty worrying, not to mention the horrible, horrible stereotypes that exist. And there's no reason the world is "straight until proven otherwise." A friend recently told me she also assumes everyone is bisexual until otherwise told, and I'm on board with that. Totally makes sense. Why should the "blank slate" be limiting?

Oh, Sara Lance. ♥ I'm not even bisexual and she's my Bisexual Queen.


hanorganaas September 15 2016, 15:09:11 UTC
I am the mad conspiracy theorist when it comes to his death and 90% of my theories come true [like when I watched Star Trek: Beyond I called out a plot theory and it was right]

As worried as I am about Kylo being gay, I consider Kylo to be an morally ambigious character [I don't know if it's because he's the Son of my OTP or I believe the true villian is Snoke in star wars], now if it were Hux, I would be worried. As much as I am interested in bad guys, the man is a bonified sociopath.

Your friend is right. Even Mark Hamill said if you made Luke Trans or Bi it wouldn't matter because thats how you interperate the character that's cool.

Oh my god Sara is really the Bisexual queen. Like really they tried to kill her and she literally blasted out of the grave and defied the Bury your Gays Trope. She is awesome. The Lance Gene pool is just incredible XD.


theemdash September 15 2016, 17:31:56 UTC
I honestly will be surprised if we see any queer characters outed on screen. I'm waiting for the Poe comic to confirm he's bi or pan, but I think that's the best we'll get to an on-screen character being queer-identified. Even though Disney is doing a better job with representation, I'm not sure if they're ready to step into those shoes. (But I pray they prove me wrong!)

Hux is pretty terrifying, but the most frightening thing about Kylo Ren is that I know guys like him-conviction is sometimes the scariest thing.

The Lance gene pool is incredible. I'm so glad Sara didn't stay dead.


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