Masochistic? Who, me?

Nov 07, 2003 07:35

Because I'm so tired of running into a multitude of badly written John/Paul fanfiction and because I'm tired of not having good stories to read I've decided to stop waiting for someone to come along and open and maintain a John/George only-archive. I've decided to open one myself. And since I liked that manip I did earlier I decided that it would be ideal for the beginning of a new layout.

I think I'm too wired right now to do too much content work right now but I got the layout more or less designed. Take a peek at the naked roots of what will soon be my newest site, Isn't it a Pity: a John Lennon/George Harrison fanfiction archive.

Nothing there yet, and I plan to java script the eventual scrollbar and do something fun with the font -- like a shadow drop text, but I just wanted to plant the idea. So, if you have a John/George fic you want hosted (or want to write one to be hosted!!!) please drop me a line, heh. I seriously need content. :D

(x-posted to my personal journal)
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