Rule and Setting Updates!

Jul 09, 2010 15:03

Hello my Beatle People!

I am here to explain and clarify the recent age issues we've been having with this community, and to lay down a few new rules/changes that will have to be implemented to make sure that our younger users can still enjoy this community.

LJ has three settings for communities, the unfiltered, the "Adult Concepts" for 14+ where less than half of the posted material is explicit in nature, and the "Explicit Adult Content" for 18+ where over half the content is explicit in nature. This takes into account both images and text. It seems that somehow our community was put up for review and it was determined that approximately half of our content hit the "explicit" rating and that's why we were bumped up to the 18+ level.

What we need to do:

IMPORTANT: All Adult / R-rated / NC-17 rated posts (whether they are pictures, fic, stories, etc.) must be flagged as "Explicit Adult Concepts" when you post them. If you are posting from the LiveJournal website itself, you can flag it as "Explicit Adult Concepts" in the lower right hand corner of your post, under "Adult Content: Journal Default." Switch it to "Explicit Adult Content." The journal default is "Adult content" so you do not need to change it over if it's Teen / PG-13 or under; it will be flagged "Adult Content" automatically. If you are not posting from the LiveJournal website, check for a feature in your posting client that is similar to this; there should be one. If not, you can post it to the community so long as you immediately go in and edit the post to add the "Explicit Adult Content" flag to the post. This is extremely important so please do not forget to do it!

If at all possible, please consider going back and updating the ratings of your old fic/art, or anything posted since January 2010. It's not required, but it'd be nice if people did this.

I have also set the community default to lock all entries posted. This unfortunately means you have to be a member of the community to see the posts made to the community, but I think that extra level of protection will work out better for all of us in the end. (I have set this entry to public, and some posts may be set to public manually if they are PG or lower rating. Overall, though, I'd recommend just leaving everything locked.)

FAN ARTISTS: Please note that I have also updated the rules regarding posting fanart. Fanart now requires a header, just like fanfiction!

06.) When posting fanart remember to LJ-cut it and post the following this header outside the LJ-cut:
(Posts that don't follow this format and/or LJ-cut will be given a warning and 24 hours to correct before deletion.)

Title: (optional)
Pairing(s): (required)
Rating: (required)
Warnings: (required if neccessary)
Disclaimer: (required) (Treat this seriously. You will be asked to revise frivilous disclaimers.)

If you are posting multiple pictures in one entry, each one does not need a seperate header (unless you want to). You can combine all of the pairings/warnings/etc. into one pre-LJ cut header.

This is a slash community, therefore all artwork must be slash-based. Posts that do not contain obviously slashy artwork will be removed. crafty_beatles is a community for general Beatles artwork; please post it there. If you make a post containing slash artwork, you may also include non-slashy Beatle artwork, but please make sure the slashy content is more than the non-slashy content. (i.e. If you post four slashy pictures in one post, you could post two non-slashy pictures as well, but not the reverse.)

All of the rules can be viewed on the community profile. Please make sure you are familiar with and follow all of them. I know there are a lot of rules and that it's difficult and frustrating at times to make sure everything works correctly, but as you can see, when we don't follow the rules, things happen that inconveniences everyone. This community has been around for over seven years now and has over 1500 members. Let's make sure it doesn't go anywhere!

Please note: I do not condone making a secondary account to get past the 18-year-old age limit, and if I find out about it I will remove future users who do this to circumvent any rules. I know it sucks, but I can't risk the rest of the community to allow a few people in. Thank you for understanding.

Thanks everyone!

!mod post

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