Your Mother Should Know

Jul 01, 2010 01:21

Title: Your Mother Should Know; Part-(7/??)
Author(s): SirSchlongo
Pairing: John/Paul
Rating: PG-13
Timeframe: 1957-58'
Word count: 2,017
Summary: Paul gets a job so he can support himself more stably, working the paper-route was never his ideal job, but one boy from his route has seemingly caught his attention.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Beatles. )':

Prolouge Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

A/N: So about the phone call in the last chapter wasn't supposed to be to his boss by the way, just if you guys were wondering, he just did that spontaneously, the real call will be in about two more chapters down the road, when it happens. (:

Naked, cold, and unhappy were all words that could describe Paul as he awoke in John’s bed lying there, alone with no one to cuddle up against or say good morning to.

Where the hell was John exactly? Paul wasn’t really sure; another problem he faced was that he also wasn’t sure where his clothes were either, he knew that he had lost them somewhere in the midst of the night during their activity , but clothing can’t just get up and walk away.

He scanned the room, it was spotless though, maybe John had picked up or something.

The thought of John picking up after himself, or even anyone else was laughable though, he wasn’t so tidy to be exact. Rolling around in the bed, Paul let out a loud pouty grunt trying to bring attention to the room, and let them all know, or mostly John know, that he was awake now.

No one came to his grunts, so Paul just lazily pushed himself up and out of John’s bed.

He stretched his lanky arms wide and searched the room more for his clothes. Maybe I could just borrow some of John’s, he started sorting through the piles of smelly clothes on the floor, god why did this have to happen now, at his friend’s house, with his family home, as if they could walk in on him any moment that they wanted.

He dug around more, deciding that maybe the floor wasn’t the best option and the closet might do him a better favor than the rattier option. Paul waltzed over to the closet and flung open the doors only to jump back to what was inside, “JESUS!!!!” His chest heaved up and down in fright as John sat in the floor of his closet with his ear pressed against his small radio trying to hear the tunes.

“Why are you hiding in the closet?”

John looked up at Paul with his large Buddy Holly glasses on. Paul’s heart melted at the site, John looked so handsome in his glasses whether he’d admit it or not. John deadpanned, “Why are you naked Macca, never mind that actually, just, get dressed before anyone else comes in here and decides to steal your cute little butt from me, McCartney.”

John pinched his ass as he spoke causing Paul to let out a yelp, “John! Give me some clothes already perv, since SOMEBODY took mine.”

“Oh it was probably Julia this mornin’ doin’ laundry an’ all.”

“WAIT! Your mum’ came in here with me sleepin, you know…”

“Shhh- quiet Macca this is the really good part,” John turned up the radio and pressed it against his ear obviously trying to ignore the conversation that Paul was going to bring up. It was the piano part to Lucile, John loved the piano more than any other instrument beside the guitar, and he was damn good at it too.

Once the part ended John just shrugged while continuing what Paul had started seconds earlier, “yeah I know righ’? I thought she was gonna’ flip, but she was rather gear about it all and didn’ even say shit to me ‘bout it or anythin’, course I was hidin’ in the closet tho’.”

Paul just shuddered at the thought of John’s mother knowing about their little secret, “well, you don’ think she’s gonna tell you know…”

“Paul, she is me mum’, she’s great, love’s me tons, wouldn’ ever hurt me or you in anyway love, so don’ worry mate.”

Paul just sighed as he grabbed the clothes that John had gathered up and handed to him, “fine, I guess.” Paul slammed the closet door shut in John’s face, receiving an agitated groan, “Oh come on! I can’ even see ya naked once last time before ya’ get dressed.”

“Can it Lennon, lemme get dressed alone will ya, without some prowlin’ eyes.”

"Who said it'd be prowlin' eyes princess?"

Paul just shook his head in disbelief while chuckling at John’s attitude sometimes as he got dressed in silence. Seconds went by and Paul could hear the faint noises of the radio and John mumbling to himself, “Are you done bein’ such a modest bird yet?”

Paul opened the closet door wide gazing down at John with his large eyes as he fluttered them, “Dunno doll, are you done bein’ in the closet yet? Cause I’d much rather have you out.”

John tapped the bottom of his chin while grinning a wicked smile, “Dunno Paulie, I think it’s nice an’ roomie in ‘ere, much better stay in the closet than come out like you, if you know wha’ I mean.”

For that answer he got a swat against the backside of his head, “Corr, let’s get some bickys, ‘m starved John.”

John got up to his feet as he turned off his radio and, “Fine, let’s go then.” John went over and opened the door for Paul, “After you, Madam McCartney”, letting him walk through first like a real gentleman would.

“Thank you Sir Lennon!” They both giggled then flew down the stairs and into the kitchen where Mimi had made breakfast for all of them.

“Mornin’ John, Paul, brekkys on the table, go ahead and help yourself to anything Paulie dear.” She smiled at him then looked over at John, “John go brew-up some will ya please.” John just grumbled as he went over to make tea for the four of them.

“Thanks” Paul said as he sat down and stared at the delicious food in front of him, he was starved and didn’t know what to really grab first so he went for just about a little bit of everything. John returned to the table setting down four cups of tea, “Slow down Macca, don’ wanna get a stomach ache” he laughed as Paul shoveled the food down his mouth quickly.

“Sorry, I don’ wanna be late, me da’s probably worried sick about me, plus I gotta get to my route before it’s too late in the mornin.”

Julia stared at Paul with a sympathetic look on his face, “I heard what he did to you poor boys.” Paul nearly spat out his tea that he had been sipping on, how on earth did she know exactly?! There was only on answer, John had to tell her, which he was going to have to talk about to him later.

“Oh, uh, yeah….” Paul stopped eating his food all around, and began shoving it back and forth on his plate, “It’s a shame that your father would do such a cruel thing to you boys.”

John was also now curious to what his mother was talking about, since he hadn’t told her anything about their relationship with each other, “Care to explain mum?”

“Well of course you both know this; I mean he did this to you boys yesterday didn’t he.”

“Did what exactly?” Both of them questioned now, on the edge of knowing what she knew or thought that she knew about, “You know, don’t play daft, how he called and got Paul fired from his paper route late last night apparently after running you two out.”

Paul dropped his fork as he stared blankly at Julia, “Pardon me?”

“Yeah, I heard about it from Mimi actually, your boss called here and said that your father was really angry and called him, told him you can no longer work there for certain reasons, and requested that he called the house with a boy named John Lennon living there since he does have most of our numbers and addresses, how else would he get our papers right.”

“Oh fucking great, now he knows where I live, fucking fantastic, you hear that Paul, your da’s a damn freak!” John wailed his arms around more and yelled slanderous names, “He’s going to kill us, I just know it, watch out all residents of this house, better start locking your windows, cause Jim McCartney is goin’ to kill us all in our sleep!”

Paul said nothing to John’s freak out, he was too appalled to say anything, speechless, and beyond that, why would his father go to such extent lengths to try and keep Paul away from John so bad, he wasn’t helping anything out right now.

He was confused as hell with the feelings that he had for John, first thinking they were wrong but accepting them eventually as it felt more right being with him. Why couldn’t he just understand anything….if only his mother was there to calm him down, or hell even his aunts were better than Jim was acting right now.

Paul looked like he was going to hurl, “Paulie…” John put a hand on his arm, “are you-”

“Excuse me…” Paul jolted his arm away and got up to walk quickly out the front door, before he started sprinting quickly.

He didn’t know where he was going to, be he didn’t care. Anywhere was better than there, hearing these awful things that Jim, yes his own father would do to try and keep him away from the one he needed the most in his life.

“Great job you guys,” John scowled at his aunt and mother as he too got up and ran out the front door frantically yelling for Paul to come back.


It had been about ten minutes and John still hadn’t found Paul. He searched everywhere, went to everyone’s house they both knew, tried the parks, cemeteries, school, shops, but no luck anywhere.

Fuckin’ hell Macca, beginning to give up hope John just sauntered down the most random ally that he could find and lord be hold, a small shaken boy sat near the dumpster next to a shanty door with a flickering light above it.

John’s heart leapt ten feet as he realized that the boy was not just anybody, but Paul, his Paul. He first began with a fast paced walked which turned into a sprint to his lovers side, sliding in next to him as he collapsed down at his side and wrapped his arms around him in a protective embrace. He could feel the body beneath him trembling, and convulsing, “Paul, ‘m ‘ere now, it’s alright now.”

Paul stared up at John with his puffy-eyed stare, and wet cheeks, he let out a cry as he hugged the older man. John sat down and pulled Paul into his lap as he comforted him and cradled him, rocked him, silenced him, kissed him, gave him the feeling of welcoming want, and need.

This is what Paul needed right now, since his father was being so cold to him. Pushing John away from Paul was the last thing he could ever want in life. Without meting Paul on that cold morning, purposely giving him the hard time as he did was just his way to bravely say, hey your cute, let’s be mates, John would still be the same lonely, needless boy he was. Now John has something he needs, something he craves, only now would be the perfect time to satisfy that want caressing the one he loved so dearly.

“I-I don’ wanna lea-ave yo-ou Johnn-ny” he choked on his sobs as he sniffled and let another abundance of tears fall from his sadden-eyes as he pushed his face into John’s chest for support.

“ ‘ey ‘ey, Macca, look at me,” John pulled Paul’s face up to look at his, “ ‘m right ‘ere aren’t I luv? Don’ you ever think ‘m gonna leave ‘kay.” Paul just nodded as he wiped at his soaked eyes with his sleeve.

“ ‘m gonna take you ‘ome okay, were gonna talk to your da’ okay,” Paul just nodded at everything John said while he allowed him to just fix his hair, kiss his tender cheeks, and brush back fresh tears, “an’ if he does anything funny, I’ll kick seven shades of shit out of ‘im.” John got a grin when he said that which made him happier knowing that he could still make Paul smile even in the worst situations.

“Come ‘ead luv, let’s get you cleaned up an’ fed before I take you back to tha’ hell-hole.”


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