Kinky Lads (or also "What Happens, when Three Boys are Bored in Hamburg")

Jun 26, 2010 17:49

So... I have written something new from the early years in Hamburg, which is a quite popular era here, how I noticed :) And mine as well :) . The boys are alone and bored in their quarter and so they start to play some naughty games- a funny and kinky threesome with Geo, Paulie and Johnny!

Title: Kinky Lads
Author: pageysflower
Pairing: George/Paul, George/John, John/Paul
Rating: NC-17
Timeframe: Early days in Hamburg
Warning: sex games between young men and some dirty language- nothing to worry about-lol
Disclaimer: I don´t own the Beatles unfortunately and this all is only a pure fiction!

And it is unbetaed so please sorry for the grammar! :)

Kinky Lads
(or also „What happens, when three boys are bored in Hamburg“)

„Let´s do something, this boredom is fuckin´ killin´ me!“ John Lennon declared and took a pack of cards from his pocket. He put the dirty and greasy „devil´s pictures“ on the table and divided a few of them among his friends, George Harrison and Paul McCartney and also himself.The other two young boys took their cards and created something like a fan, they gazed into them and studied what they had got. It was another evening in their poor and filthy quarter behind the Bambi Kino, which they shared together with the fourth member of the Beatles, with their drummer Pete Best. The last mentioned lad wasn´t present just now, he went to the city to explore the nightlife. John, Paul and George didn´t want to attend this action, they decided to stay „at home“ and enjoy themselves, but after a short time they realized that it wasn´t such a good idea- the boredom and apathy took the possession of them very soon. Luckilly they had a large bottle of cheap rum, so they hoped the evening would be at least a little bit bearable. They were already too lazy to go out, it was almost eleven in the evening and it was raining heavily, just like it was common in Hamburg . Paul took a gulp from the rum bottle and fixed his eyes on John.

„Will we play for money? I have only a few coins!“

John shook his head.

„No, this is a bullshit... I don´t have any money either. Let´s play and the one who will loose the one play, will take a heavy gulp. So the one who will last sober for the longest time will be the winner! „he grinned.

„Good! That sounds great!“ George smiled and took one card from the pack. They started to play, with concentrated frowning faces, giggling here and there. Each of the rounds didn´t last too long, George lost twice and had to take two huge gulps. The other two boys looked at him with a smile on their faces, the boy´s cheeks started to get blushing pink and his dark, almost black eyes glowed like two lanterns.

„Geo, Geo, you´ll be pretty pissed in a while, „ John teased him. But then Paul whooped in surprise and took John´s hand.

„You´re fucking cheating! I saw it! You have two fake aces in your sleeve! Oh God, I will kill you, you wanker!“

John cackled and took some more cards out of his sleeves. Paul pouted his lips in disbelief.

„I simply can´t believe that! He is bloody cheatin´! I don´t play anymore with such a twat! Fuck you, Johnny!“ and Paul hit the table with his fist and threw the cards on the floor. The small pictures were scattered throughout the entire room, they were under the table, next to the door, under and also on the bed. John only snorted.

„You´re always so competitive, aren´t you? You can´t take the idea that you would loose the game!“ and he punched his chest.

„Sod off!“ Paul snarled and drank another bit from the rum.George had to laugh because of this bantering and lit himself a ciggy.

„So... and what will we do now? Any ideas?“

John chuckled in a mysterious way and scratched his head.

„I would know... I have played it once with some girls...“

„But we aren´t girls...“ Paul barked. „This is a big problem....“ George only giggled in his palm.

John raked his auburn hair and gave the other two young men a look, which was telling but also confusing. The other two didn´t know what to think about it, they only stared with a puzzled expression on their faces.

„I think this shouldn´t be such hard thing to do... all we have to do is kiss...“

„What?“ Paul lifted his perfect eyebrows.

„The one of us will be blindfolded... with my scarf, for example....and the other two will kiss him and he´ll have to guess, who it was-just like I´ve said before, I´ve played it once with three girls when I was about fifteen. It was quite cool. And when I won, she had to go out with me... and when I lost, I had to buy her flowers- such romantic crap....“ John laughed.

„And when you won in all of the three cases?“ Paul asked. John thought over.

„When this thing happened, it was pretty awkward. I went out with all three of them- but in all honesty!“ John added and looked pretty serious. Paul grinned.

„In all honesty? You?And why I don´t believe you a word? „

„You don´t have to believe me ... but I must say, it was true!“ John exclaimed and drank from the rum bottle.

„So we´ll have to kiss ya?“ George gasped and remained with his mouth open. „ Isn´t it a little... ehm... weird?“

„No, no.... it´ll be fun!And you´ll kiss and you´ll be kissed at the same time- when you lose and when you won´t guess right who was the one who kissed you , you will have to take a gulp from the bottle and the winner will take your place. And he´ll be kissed and when he wins, the one who kissed him will drink and so on... you´ve got it?“ John explained and looked at George and at Paul. The lads nodded.

„Yeah... „Paul swallowed the lump in his throat, he felt dry and his heart started to beat nervously. He was sure about John´s intentions-John simply wanted to snog him, he noticed his glances already several times, he always looked at him like if he wanted to eyefuck him... and he, Paul, was fancying the young George again... and Georgie was quite worshiping Johnny... it was a really interesting mixture of hidden desires and a little forbidden feelings....but in fact they liked each other and the more drunk they got, the less they had qualms about those naughty games.

„Alright!“ John rubbed his hands and his face showed excitement and joy. „And who will go first? Oh, don´t be everybody so eager !“ he joked, when he saw the stunned faces of his two mates.

„You!“ Paul muttered. „It was your idea , wasn´t it?“ and glanced at George. The guitarist nodded.

„Paulie is right! Go first, Johnny!“

John sat himself down on the bed and Paul took the scarf and blindfolded him, he knotted the scarf so John couldn´t see anything. Then he gave George a gesture to kiss the lad first. George looked a little bashful, it was evident, that he was looking forward to do this, but at the same time he was trembling with nervousness. He licked his dry lips and then he put his both hands on John´s shoulders and gently touched his mouth with his shaking lips. It was only such a light touch, just like with a feather and the boy pulled his lips away, his heart beating in wild pace. John grinned.

„Hm... I would say it was Paulie... I can imagine him kissing like a princess. Am I right?“

George put the scarf off, he was still holding John´s shoulders.

„No, John... it was me... „ George beeped and looked vulnerable.

„Oh fuck! I´ve lost... so give the bottle here!“ John chuckled and took a large sip.

„Now it´s your turn, Geo! „

George took John´s place and John put the scarf over his eyes.

„Go on...“ he whispered into Paul´s ear inaudibly. The darkhaired boy touched George´s skinny cheek with his fingers gently and then he came closer and pressed his full yummy lips on the lips of the lad. He remained there for a while and stroked his lips with his own, gently, teasingly, it made the youngest Beatle sigh in forbidden pleasure. George felt the full, moist, warm lips of the unknown kisser and he was pretty sure...

„But now it was Paulie! I´m sure and tell me that I´m wrong!“ George put the scarf off his one eye and he saw the shining face of his mate and his big hazel eyes.

„So, Paulie! Have a drink!“ he laughed with joy.Paul took the bottle from George and drank, his eyes still fixed on the pink face of George. He wanted to kiss him more, but he caught the jealous stare of John. Paul was wondering what was on Johnny´s mind... not that he didn´t want to kiss John-sometimes he didn´t know, which of the two guys he fancied more....

„I suppose that now it´s my job,“ Paul giggled and sat down on the couch with his eyes blindfolded . George was eager to grab him, but John held him back. George only shrugged and let John do what he thought was his right.

John looked at the gorgeous cherubic face of his younger mate, at his full cherry lips, moist, inviting, teasing with their softness... he didn´t hesitate and grabbed Paul´s face in his palms, stroked his face with his thumbs and connected his mouth with Paul´s, but this time it wasn´t so innocent like when Paul kissed George or when George kissed him... John parted Paul´s lips and pushed his warm damp tongue in the mouth od the doe-eyed boy, tasted the scent of rum, felt the hot tongue of his. Paul let out a quiet moan and responded to the heavy snogging, he almost looked that he was enjoying it a lot. Their tongues were tangled together and John couldn´t get enough. But then Paul pulled away, panting heavily.

„Oh God... i can´t fucking breathe anymore... Johnny?“

Paul was sure that it was John, because only John would be so cheeky to kiss him like that. And he was right. When John removed the scarf from Paul´s eyes, the boys were staring at each other in awe, Paul was blushing furiously. But he was the winner and he gave the bottle to John. The older lad took a massive gulp and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. George giggled nervously and his dark eyes were hiding a touch of sadness and disappointment. How much he wanted John to kiss him like that!

The lads remained quiet and looking at each other . Finally John broke the silence, he was pretty pissed already and the bottle was empty. Luckily Paul found a half empty bottle of Scotch hidden under Pete´s bed.They cackled.

„This thing will be confiscated!“ John whooped and didn´t worry about what Pete would say after his return-it wasn´t important right now.John opened it and reached the Scotch around.

„This is boring,“ John snorted after a while. „Let´s try something... ehm, I would say more exciting!“

„For example?“ George blurted out and sipped from the Scotch bottle.

„Just like wanking, for example!“ John laughed and started to open his zipper. The other two lads grinned mischievously.

„Like back then in Liverpool? With shouting names of sex-bombs? Cool!“ George agreed. It wasn´t anything new, they already did it several times and when they would turn off the light, it would be not that awkward!

But John had something different on his mind. He was already pissed as a newt and lost the last bits of qualms or prejudice. And he had the view, that bohemians should try everything!

„I was meaning, that we should make it a little bit interesting,“ John explained. „One of us will sit down and will wank the other two. And the one who will come first, will be the loser and will have to blow the „wanker“. And the one who will not come, will be blown by the „wanker“ . So everybody will get the blowjob... no, just wait, the loser will then be blown by the winner and the circle will be closed and nobody will be able to tel that he was neglected or misused or such shit.... So, gentlemen, how do you like it, huh?“ his eyes were shining with naughty light.

Paul almost dropped the ciggy he was holding between his lips.

„What the fuck? Are you nuts, John? Isn´t it already a litle...uh.. queer? I mean, uhm... kissing yes, wanking too, but blowjob?“ he felt his body shiver because of this imagination, but what scared him the most was the feeling that in fact he was dreaming of it already once.He was rather afraid because of what if somebody would find out? He gazed at John and panic was mirroring in his huge peepers.

„Oh Paulie... don´t be so narrowminded... nobody ist here, only we... and it will be our secret! C´mon, you git, it´ll be gear!“

George watched John quietly and his angular face was blushing in the brightest tomato-red.

„Uhm... i don´t know so really.... alright! When you think.... but who´ll be the wanking boy?“ he asked bashfully.

Paul broke down in laughter.

„Wanking boy! This sounds just like a new job! Geo, you´re fuckin´ funny, man!“and he patted his shoulder. John took three matches from the matchbox and broke the one in half.

„We´ll pull the matchsticks,“ he told his mates. „And the one, who´ll pull the short one, will be the main wanker!“ John cackled and hid the matches in his clutched palm, only the heads of the sticks were sticking out.

Paul swallowed and took the one match out. It was long.

„Oh...“ he gasped and George didn´t now, if it was because of disappointment or relief.The youngest boy took the other one and suddenly...

„Hoho!“ John screamed. „Our Geo will be the lucky boy!“ George smiled and looked a little embarrassed, but Paul raked his dark hair.

„Don´t be shy... I´m trusting you!“ George gave him a gentle look.

The lead guitarist sat down again, the bed creaked under him, despite how light and skinny he was. The other two lads started to undo their zippers.

„Uh... John... shouldn´t we dim the lights a little? Maybe we could switch only the small lamp on the nighstand on...“ Paul whispered and his voice trembled with arousal and anxiety.

„Alright...“ John nodded. „You´re such a bashful bird, aren´t you Macca?“

„Fuck off, Johnny!“ Paul answered with a grin.

They both unzipped their trousers and pulled the underwear down.

„Luckily we had shower yesterday,“ Paul muttered. „Otherwise it would be pretty disgusting...“ John rolled his eyes, oh God, what a stupid girl Paulie was!

George stared at their exposed cocks, which were still limp- and he noticed that Paul didn´t have a foreskin, he was wondering about it, but he didn´t say anything. Paul´s cock was long and pale, surrounded with thick black curls. John´s member was thicker but shorter and hidden in auburn hair.George took them in his hands, which were nervously trembling and started to stroke them slowly.

„Mmmm...“ Paul gasped, because he liked it, it was evident. „Would you also add to the pleasure telling us some naughty remarks, Georgie? Something to encourage us and make us more horny?“

George massaged their cocks in a slow rhythm.

„I´m not enough for you?“ he asked with a cunning smile and continued stroking.

„You´re great... but something juicy wouldn´t be bad...“ John mumbled and panted heavily, enjoying George´s action.

„Good... what about... Marylin Monroe in sexy red lingerie!“ he whooped playfully.

„Oooh.... yeah....“ Paul went hard, now his cock was standing like a soldier keeping guard.

George grinned. He knew exactly what his friends wanted.

„Brigitte Bardot taking shower.... naked... the waterdrops beading on her skin...“

„Oh my...“ John´s hardened shaft twitched under George´s touch.

„A sexy striptease girl dancing and shaking her big tits!“

„Oooh.... yeah... more... I wanna more....“ John groaned.

George suddenly giggled madly and exclaimed:

„Paul McCartney raking himself naked on a fur in front of the fireplace!“

Paul choked and started to laugh hysterically.

„Geo! My fucking good God, you ruined it all! Now you must start again!“

But he didn´t have to. John suddenly hissed like in pain and let out a deep groan. His seed covered the boy´s clutched palm.

„Oh fuck.... fuck yeah...“ John panted and trembled thrusting into George´s hand.He wiped his sweaty forehead, and looked around , all blushing and confused. Paul´s gaze met him and the boy with the chubby babyface looked at him with a stunned expression, like if he wanted to say: I can´t believe it, Johnny... it was because of me...? After that he realized that his cock went limp a little again, partly because George stopped to pet him and partly because of shock maybe?

„And we have the winner! „ George clapped his hands like a kid. „And we have the loser as well.... Johnny...“ he fixed his dark gaze on John´s face, his black eyebrows gave him such an enigmatic expression. John had to admit, that this skinny boy was charismatic and there was something in him... something dark and magical and he was aware, that now he would have to suck him and he didn´t mind at all. He didn´t mind, because then Paulie would suck him as well.

„Geo.... I think I´ve lost... so I´m ready...“ he whispered an knelt down between George´s long wide spread legs. He started to undo the lad´s fly and swept over his groin, there was a large hard bulge under the leather of the trousers. George sighed and buried his long gracious fingers into the auburn hair of his mate.

„Do it...“ George begged and John felt his lean body tremble. He pulled George´s trousers lower and exposed his crotch and his bony hips. The boy was hard as a rock and pretty big. John stared at his cock and took him in his fingers.He pushed slowly the foreskin back and ahead and George moaned in lust.

„Do you like it?“ John asked a kissed the tip of his cock.

„Mmm... yeah... suck me... suck me ...“

George closed his eyes and quietly purring he surrendered John´s sucking.

John took his entire shaft in his mouth and started to lick his head and the small slit and he even cupped his balls. The boy groaned wantonly and pressed John´s head deeper into his lap.

„Oh my God...“ he whispered and thrust his hips slowly against him. John was sure that the boy was experiencing the best moments of his entire life- he knew that he was adoring him and following him like a cute puppy dog-now he had the opportunity to show the boy some affection and the guitarplayer responded to his petting with lustful moans. John was holding his trembling skinny hips and felt the fingers of the lad stroking his hair. After a while George´s cock twitched and the boy came with a moan, vibrating through his entire body. John swallowed his juice and then let the cock slip out of his mouth. He licked his lips and grimaced horribly.

„It wasn´t much yummy, was it? „ George cackled. „Here...“ and he reached him the bottle. John took a sip and licked his lips once more.

„Oh no... it was quite good....“ he smirked and looked at the blushing, satisfied boy. George turned himself to Paul, who was watching this performance with an again erected cock. George touched him and pulled him closer. He kissed the hairy tummy of his friend and let his lips slide slowly over Paul´s shaft. Th doe eyed boy gasped in pleasure and stroked George´s cheek.

„Oh ... I want it... I want you to do it to me.... mmm... fuck...“ Paul bit his lower lip and put his cock into George´s waiting mouth. George licked him at first, stroked his entire lenght and then he took him deeper inside.

„You do it so good.... mm... this is so fuckin´good...“ Paul mumbled incoherently and let himself go. George licked and sucked his circumcised cock and dug his slender fingers into Paul´s yummy buttcheeks, stroked him there, inhaled the exciting scent of the gorgeous boy.

John watched them and his cock went hard again. The view of his secret love Paul who was now sucked by their mutual friend was beyond arousing. John had to control himself not to wank. He knew that it would be his turn in a while, but he was so impatient... he had to do something, he really had to.

„Paul...“ John whimpered. „Can I kiss you?“ and he stepped behind Paul and placed a tender smacker on the glowing cheek of the lad.

Paul didn´t say a word, he only nodded with his head and turned it to John. Their lips met and John slipped the tongue in Paul´s hungry mouth again, tasting the alcohol soaked breath of the boy, inhaling the scent of his hair, of his body. Paul in the meanwhile petted George´s hair, stroked the angular jawline of the lad, gently and teasingly. George purred lustfully and sucked Paul´s shaft in eager pace.

„Oh Geo.... Johnny...“ Paul screamed out in hoarse voice and came right into George´s mouth. John pressed his lips to Paul´s and let the darkhaired bassist moan in his mouth, Paul grabed John´s cock and squeezed him, the warmth of the shaft surprised him and a vawe of pleasure ran through him.

„Oh yeah...“ he panted and took his cock out of George´s mouth. He planted a soft kiss into George´s sweat soaked, disheveled hair.

„You´re great, babe...“ he smiled at the lucky boy. Now he wanted to cuddle him, but John didn´t give him the opportunity. He pushed Paul down on his knees and put his erected cock to his lips.

„Suck me Paulie... I know you want it.... please....“

Paul took the entire member to his mouth, it tasted like... like Johnny, this was the thought which came to his mind. He started to suck him gently, stroked and squeezed his balls and the auburn haired lad went almost crazy.

„Paul... oh God.... suck my cock.... oh, you´re great... fuck... fuck....I can´t hold it anymore.....“ he thrust his hips against Paul´s licking and sucking mouth. And then he came again, the release was better than the wanking before, he moaned and felt the cream of love fill Paul´s warm mouth. Like he expected, Paul swallowed it and then he looked at him with such a funny face again... he had to chuckle and gave the lad some Scotch to make it taste better.

All the three boys sat down on the bed together holding each other around their shoulders.Nobody said a word, they were still caught in the haze of pleasure and still confused and maybe bashful because of what happened.

„I think I´m just only dreamin´“ Paul finally broke the silence. „I can´t believe that we acted like a bunch of faggots... but I fucking loved it. And what about you two?“ he looked at his two mates, who looked disheveled and worn out as well.

„I second that!“ George declared. „It was maybe a little weird, but fuckin´awesome!“

„And I don´t have anything to add,“ John finished the conversation.His hand found Paul´s palm and he grabbed it, held him tight. Then he noticed, that Paul was stroking George´s arm, while George tried to wrap his arm around John´s waist... he had to smile, because now he realized definitively, how close they were to each other...

When Pete returned, he didn´t have a clue what happened during the hours , when he wasn´t present, he was sure, that the boys only drank or played cards. He was only pissed off because of the empty Scotch and called them various names reaching from wankers to fuckers, but the boys only laughed.... and they promised him to buy him a new one tomorrow!

john/george, paul/george, john/paul

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