Early Winter

Jun 25, 2010 12:21

Title: Early Winter (1/?)
Author: Me, le dur.
Pairing: John/George, again, but slight John/Yoko and John/Paul in there, cuz that's how I roll. And.. cuz I respect Yokes a litttttle more... Butnotbymuch.
Rating: Pg-13 ish? Rating may go up..
Warnings: Cursing, sadness, winterness, death (later), kissing, slashy goodness (laterr), chapters this time, watch outtt, slight het, some mistakes. 
Timeframe: 1965-1980 with weird random cuts in between.
Word count: Uh...
Summary: One day, while shoveling snow, George confesses, John ponders, and George comes up with somewhat of a curse.
Author Notes: Urrrnf. This is ALMOST angst, I wanted it to be a S/A, but, alas, I felt the need to chapterize my shit. :\ Lucky you. Uhh, so, I felt wintery, and there's a pic under the cut, along with the story Uhuhuhuh, and, uh... uh... Be prepared to be sad at the ending of the whole thing?
Disclaimer: I KNOW George had (somewhat of) a crush on John. Common knowledge. BUT, I don't know if shoveling snow turned into a philosophical discussion and snog session. :\

Plucking Up The Courage Ever So Elegantly, He Asks A Question In Which Answers Are To Be Questions As Well.

December 8th, 1965

Scrrratch. Scrtcch. Scrtccch. The sound of a shovel scratching pavement echoed through the stale winter air. Continuously, it happened until with a clang, gloves hands threw the shovel down.

"Well, I give up.." John 'big mouthed' Lennon moaned, heaving his body onto the snowy ground below with a dull thud and crunching of snow. George 'young yet beyond his years' Harrison looked down at him, sprawled out in the snow, and laughed, shoving his own shovel into the snow drift and sat down beside the older man, arms wrapped around himself. John look sideways at him, sitting up indian style and brushing snow off his jacket. The two stayed there, silent, save for the breathing the created little clouds of steam around them. John reached up and readjusted his hat, and it was George who first broke that silence.

"It's cold.." George said, words literally puffing from his lips, and John nodded, almost in agreement, but only because snow had collected on the top of his head. The young lad leaned closer--more, fell in to--John's side, their shoulders bumping, knees knocking and heads nearly colliding with eachother. John turned his head, to look at the dark eyed lad. really look at him. And George locked eyes with him. It was no mistake, what John saw in those eyes. Years of devotion, confusion, restraint and aching. It stole John's breath for a moment, leaning closer toward George, who made not a move to lean away. He stopped, inches from George's lips, which were trembling a little, most likely from the cold, and he looked up through his fringe at those wide dark eyes.

"I knew it.." He breathed before George had heaved himself forward, their lips crushing together. as he threw his arms around John's neck, both of them falling backwards into the snow. John licked along the full bottom lip, and George let out a soft whimper, letting John go through with his mission. They both moaned loudly when their tongues met, shocks rippling through their bodies. George was really enjoying this--like, really enjoying this--and he busied himself in cluthing at the back of John's shirt, loving the heat between them before he felt something cold on his chest, pressing and rubbing. Holy shi--

"J--Fuck!" George yelped, darting away from John, landing hard on his arse. John watched him in amusement that was barely hidden as his hands stayed in the air that used to be George.

"It's cold innit?"
George scoffed at that, gloved hands digging into the snow. "Uhr, yeah!" But I bet that was the point.. George thought, scowling. John smirked, launching himself forward and grabbing at the younger's skinny wrists as he yelled and ranted: 'cold hands' 'John, gerrof!' 'ow John, stop.' etc. The struggling stopped, and John stared down at the very well pinned down George--face flushed, lips swollen from stray kisses, chest heaving--and wondered if the lad could get any more.. gorgeous.

"I feel like something should be happening to-day." George cocked his head to the side at the odd statement, the shifting of snow being heard before John continued. "And I dunno why, either.."

"Maybe this is your lucky day?" George suggested, a thoughtful look on his face, before smiling as John did to him.

To Be Continued...

Alright, alright, it's lame isn't it?
Even if so, please leave your written thoughts in the pretty box below, pl0eaxsze.

(edit: Lololol Skelly and I had the same kinda mind thing going on to-day. xDDD )

 Tis John and Geo, with THE hat and cutesy earmuffs.

Fuuu- crappy quality and the-the-the stupid Photofuckit editor WOULDN'T LET ME FIX IT THE REST OF THE WAY--I am so pissed.

john/george, john/other, !art

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