Jun 15, 2010 12:53

 Title: Chains of Love- Chapter Eleven, part two
Author: Me, ColdHardHeart
Pairings: FEMALE! J/P, FEMALE! G/R 
Rating: PG-13 for underage drinking, also for some people who can’t keep their tempers under control, and some people who have a very naughty mouth.
Warnings: fab four are girls in this fic, if you don't like girl/girl relationships-don't read, and don't write nasty comments about it to me. Also, A.U., modern-day warning. MAYBE OOC For ALL!  MORE Underage clubbing and drinking in this, there’s also violence in this! Also, some major [partially true to reality (in my life)] ridiculousness shows in the end, ;P
Time-Frame- Autumn, modern-night
Summary: Georgina Harrison and Pauline McCartney are just normal girls, trying to survive teenagerhood and trying to figure out just exactly who they are.  What happens when a wild-spirited woman named Johnelle Lennon and a dancer with sad eyes by the name of Rachie Starkey enter the two girls' lives?

“’Gina, you really shouldn’t fight, ya know…” Pauline prattled out, pausing to steal another sip from her nearly empty glass, nearing the end of her fourth “Sex on the Beach”.  “You’ll get hurt!”

Georgina, holding her half-full mug of beer in one hand, lifted an eyebrow at her friend.

“Pauline, you’ve already gone over this like three times… I got it the first time, McCartney.”  She reminded Pauline, who blinked.

“I did…?” The cherub-faced girl dazedly asked, and then after a long moment, she opened her mouth again.  “’Gina, you can’t fight…”

Georgina rolled her eyes, letting a long-suffering sigh past her lips before tipping her drink to her mouth again.

“’Ello there!” A voice chirped its way into Pauline’s repeated scold, and Georgina looked up a bit thankfully at Johnelle and Rachie as they stood by the table that the two girls were sitting at.

Johnelle grinned at the two other females, she and Rachie both holding glasses.

Pauline blinked, and then returned the smiles with a beam of her own, putting her empty glass on the table.

“Oi! What’s with the smile, Princess!” Johnelle exclaimed as she stood behind Pauline’s chair, and put a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Did you just get laaaaiiidddd?”

Georgina’s jaw dropped slightly as Rachie chuckled at Pauline’s hysterical laugh. Johnelle just smirked, winking at Rachie, who rolled her eyes to the side while stealing a long sip of her drink.

“Anyroad…” Johnelle leant against the back of Pauline’s chair.  “Are you comfortable where you are?”

Georgina blinked, and then opened her mouth.

“Yeah, we are…”

“Well, too bad!” The tawny-haired girl exclaimed as she stepped away from the table.  “We’re moving!”

Georgina blinked as Pauline stumbled to her feet, and then she glanced at Rachie, who shrugged.  She stood up, clutching her beverage carefully as she followed after Johnelle and an overly talkative Pauline.

Rachie moved with Georgina as Johnelle hovered close to Pauline; to the other two females, it looked like Johnelle was sort of guiding the darker-haired girl through the pulsing crowds.

Johnelle suddenly stopped, which made Pauline teeter forward a bit before falling back onto her heels as Johnelle placed a hand on her shoulder.  She curiously turned around, and saw the other girl swinging her ass from side to side with her arms also in a hula-dancing fashion, the dance starkly contradicting with the fast-paced beat of the song.

Georgina’s lips quirked up as Rachie stifled a giggle at Johnelle.

“Oh yeah, those moves are definitely a sign of sanity.”

Rachie gasped out a laugh at the line, and then everyone laughed as Johnelle impishly grinned, exaggeratedly sending a coy wink at Georgina.

They quickly arrived at a more secluded table, and they all piled into chairs as Brianna slipped away from the bar, heading over to the four girls.

“’ey, Eppy!” Johnelle lifted her mug, toasting the owner of the club, and Brianna smiled.

“Johnelle…” The grin disappeared as Brianna swiped up Pauline’s empty glass.  “Will you ever stop causing trouble?”

Johnelle smirked, tugging the bunched up skirt of her black dress over her exposed thighs, aware of Brianna’s dark eyes scoping out her legs.

“Depends, Eppy…” She drawled out, looking up at the older woman with half-lidded eyes.  “Define ‘trouble’.”

Brianna’s eyes flickered back to Johnelle’s face, and she leant against the table.


Everyone laughed, and after a moment, Pauline looked up at Brianna.

“’cuse me…” She inquired brightly, lifting her hand to gesture at the glass in Brianna’s hand.  “Can I have another?”

Brianna looked calmly at Pauline, her head bobbing.

“Coming right up.” She answered, and then leant towards Johnelle. “I’m guessing you’re paying?”

“Yep.” Johnelle quirked her thin lips upwards, looking sinfully at Brianna, who looked away after a moment.

“I’ll put it on the tab…” The dark-haired woman muttered as she moved back towards the bar.

Rachie pulled Pauline into a conversation about music, and Johnelle stared at Georgina, who swallowed another sip of her beer.

“Hey, kid…” The tawny-haired woman extended her drink towards Georgina in a casual gesture.  “You all right?” She asked before she sipped her beverage.

Georgina’s hands curled defensively around the mug.

“Who you calling kid?” The darker-haired girl shot back.

Johnelle smirked, her eyes looking at Pauline as she talked to Georgina.

“Who’s the…” Johnelle looked back at the younger girl, altering her voice.  “‘Baby Sister!’”

Georgina opened her mouth to retort, but Pauline turned away from her chat with Rachie, a curious expression on her face.

“Do I really sound like that?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.

The answers to the question all arrived to her ears at the same exact time.

“No.” Georgina adamantly said.

“Yes.” Johnelle dryly revealed.

“Kind of.” Rachie quietly answered.

Pauline looked at the three females with confusion, and then giggled, which made the others join in on the laughter.

“So, Rings.” Johnelle called out after everyone’s chuckles had died down.  “You glad you came?”

Rachie nodded slowly, drinking a long sip of her alcohol.

“Wait…” Georgina interjected, looking at Rachie.  “You didn’t want to come?”

Rachie glanced over at Johnelle, who was teasingly playing with Pauline’s dark hair, before she stole another lengthy sip from her brew.

“It’s a long story, kid…” She murmured, her blue eyes looking down at the table that her elbows rested on as she drank.

Georgina rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up into the air with exasperation.

“Why does everyone keeping calling me that?!”

Rachie laughed.

Johnelle, meanwhile, was tapping her foot to the song that was currently playing came to an end, and she looked over at Pauline, who jolted upwards as the new song came on.

“Oh, Oh!” She chattered out excitedly, bouncing in her seat.  “I know this song!”

Johnelle’s eyebrow rose.

“You do, eh?” She asked.

Pauline nodded.

“I love it in your room at night, you’re the only one who gets through to me. In the warm glow of the candlelight, oh, I wonder what you’re gonna do to me…”

“Pauline!” Georgina yelped out, her cheeks flaring a bit pink in color as she sent a stare towards her friend.

“Wha-at?” She cried out with a smile on her lips.  “It’s just a song, ‘Gina!”

Johnelle looked over at Rachie, who stared back with a look of slight surprise.  The other woman then looked back at Pauline.

“You’re not bad at singing…” The tawny-haired woman finally revealed after a long moment, her expression thoughtful.

Pauline giggled, her cheeks flaring at the compliment.

Brianna arrived with another drink for Pauline, and looked over meaningfully at Johnelle as she set the drink down in front of the girl in the blue dress.

She was a bit disappointed when she found that Johnelle’s attention was not on her, but rather on the singing girl she was serving the drink to.

“In your room… In your room… I feel good in your room, let’s lock the world out! I feel good when we kiss, nobody’s ever made me crazy like this!” Pauline sang out, and Brianna quashed a bit of jealousy as she saw that Johnelle was almost enthralled by the voice.

Brianna quietly left the table, heading back to tend to other customers.

Pauline grasped onto the drink as the song ended, and slurped down some of the cool liquid, smiling at Georgina, who rolled her eyes.

“What’s the matter, Gi-na?” She asked her friend in a singsong voice, blinking cutely at Georgina.

Georgina smirked, resting her head against her hand as she leant casually against the table.

“Y’know, Pauline…” She started. “You’re a real show-off sometimes…”

Pauline beamed.

“Thank you!”

Georgina lifted an eyebrow, briefly glancing at Rachie.

“That… wasn’t really a compliment, but whatever…” The girl shrugged out as the song melted away into another.

“You know that I’ll take what I can get from you, Georgina…” Pauline sagely revealed, and Georgina blinked as Pauline tipped back about another quarter of her fourth drink.

“I…I think that’s the sanest thing I’ve heard from you all night, Pauline.” Georgina teased, and Pauline laughed.

Johnelle sent another look at Rachie, who seemed to be chugging down her drink with a morose urgency, but Rachie smiled back at her, and Johnelle relaxed a bit, even though she noticed that Rachie’s smile didn’t reach the corners of her eyes.

A while of time ticked by as more songs were played and the girls engaged in idle chitchat.

Then Pauline suddenly perked up, and struggled to her feet.

“’Gina!” She squealed out as she finally staggered to her feet, rushing clumsily over to Georgina’s chair.  She wrapped her arms around Georgina, unintentionally choking the younger girl.  “C’mon, dance with meee!”

Georgina pried Pauline’s arms away from her neck, and scowled.

“Nah, don’t really feel like it…”

Johnelle and Rachie watched bemusedly watched as Pauline pouted, giving Georgina her version of the kicked-puppy-eyes.

“C’mon, ‘Gina!” She simpered out, batting her eyelashes. “You danced with Rachie! Let’s dance!”

Georgina sighed, and then allowed Pauline to tug her towards the dance floor.

Johnelle and Rachie silently watched the two teenagers wander into the crowd on the dance floor, both stealing long draws from their glasses in almost identical pensive ways.

After a few moments, Rachie looked over at her friend, who looked positively bored.

“Having fun?” She asked Johnelle in a dry tone.

“Oh, lots…” Johnelle responded.

Rachie grinned.

“Well, that’s good to hear…”

Johnelle suddenly burst out into loud guffaws, which made Rachie blink with confusion.

“L-Look over there!” Johnelle giggled out, pointing her hand at the crowd, and Rachie followed her finger’s trail. “Lookit them!”

What she saw made her join Johnelle in a session of laughter.

Near the center of the dancing mass, Pauline was throwing her arms about in a wild crumping motion.  She was loosely swaying around her hips as she sashayed her legs from side to side. Georgina was looking at her incredulously, keeping a small distance to avoid being struck by Pauline’s flailing.

“Pauline…” Georgina shouted over the loud music. “What the hell are you doing?”

Pauline laughed, slowing down her “dancing”.

“C’mon, ‘Gina! Do it with me!” She squealed, and Georgina shook her head.

“Er…” She started. “I think you’re doing enough crump for both of us, thank you, but no.”

“But whhhyyyyy not?” Pauline said, grabbing Georgina’s hands. “It’s soooo much fun!” She then forced Georgina to do the dance’s motions with her, and Georgina looked helpless as she and Pauline rode out the rest of the song.

By the end of the song, Johnelle and Rachie were both laughing hysterically as Georgina half-carried a giggling Pauline back to the table.

“Oh Christ!”  Georgina glared at Johnelle’s proclamation as she dropped Pauline into the seat next to the laughing woman. “I think I broke something!”

Rachie laughed, settling down as Georgina plopped into the seat next to her.

Pauline leant against Johnelle’s body, still tittering away with giggles.

“Isn’t ‘Gina the best dancer ever?”

Georgina scooted closer towards Rachie, her eyes narrowing disapprovingly as Johnelle scooped up Pauline and placed the girl on her lap.

Rachie smiled.

“Got your hands full there, eh, Johnnie?” She winked.

Johnelle waggled her eyebrows.

“Mm, yes, would you like some of this too?”

Rachie hummed.

“Hm, no thanks, you have fun though!”

“Well, you’re missing out on a good time!”

Georgina rolled her eyes at Johnelle’s words, and ignored Pauline’s giggles as her friend turned to Rachie.  An ABBA song started to play in the background.

“Hey…” The dark-haired girl in red shyly said as Rachie looked over at her.  “Wanna dance?”

The blue-eyed woman grinned, lifting her glass to her lips and drinking away the last quarter of the alcohol.  Then, she set the glass down.


“Have fun, kiddies!” Johnelle chirped out as Rachie and Georgina rose from their seats.  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”  She cackled out, and Pauline laughed while Rachie flapped a hand at Johnelle as she and Georgina headed for the dance floor.

Johnelle and Pauline sat for a few minutes in silence, and then Johnelle spoke up.

“They’re rather cute, eh?” The older woman said, and Pauline clumsily turned her head to their dancing companions.  “In that nauseating way.”

Pauline giggled, burying her hands into Johnelle’s neck.

“Mmmmhhmmmmmm…” She tittered out.  “’Gina’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world!”

Johnelle’s eyebrows rose with surprise at Pauline’s affection towards her, and she looked around quickly before cautiously wrapping her arms around the girl in her lap.

“Okaaayyy…” She carefully drawled out, becoming a bit nervous when Pauline moved back and stared at her for a long moment. “What?”

Pauline smiled flirtatiously at the auburn-haired woman.

“You’ve got really pretty eyes, you know… Like, really pretty…” She said, leaning a little towards Johnelle.  “There’s brown, but there’s green too… Really pretty…”

Johnelle smirked.

“Oh really, I never knew.” She revealed in a cocky tone.

Pauline giggled.

“They’re really pretty…” She fluttered her eyelashes.  “You’re really pretty.”

Johnelle hummed, pleased with the current situation.

“Hm… You’re not so bad on the eyes yourself…” She chuckled. “Not that I’m the best person to ask, y’know…”

“Why not?” Pauline inquired curiously.

“I’m blind as a bat.” Johnelle bluntly unveiled, and she nearly had to duck away from getting a hand in the face as Pauline eagerly sat up.

“Really?!” The darker-haired girl excitedly waved three fingers directly in front of Johnelle’s face.  “How many fingers am I holding up?”

Johnelle scowled, yelping as one of Pauline’s fingers jabbed her nose.  She grabbed the girl’s hand, pushing it away.

“Ow! Get them fingers out of me face!” She grunted out, crinkling her face up with annoyance.  “You’re being real stupid; I’m not that blind, I can see you just fine!”

“Oh.” Pauline pouted as she moved off of Johnelle’s lap and back into her original seat.

Johnelle grimaced as she realized that she had offended the younger girl.  She rolled her eyes; shouldn’t she the one offended, she was the one who got jabbed in the nose!

“But you are very easy on these eyes… Very, very…” Johnelle paused, feeling uncharacteristically shy, but she took an impatient breath.  “You’re nicer-looking than other girls.”

Pauline looked over at her, her face brightening up with a smile.


Johnelle rolled her eyes, scoffing.

“Would I be saying that to you if I didn’t think so?”

Pauline shrugged.

“I don’t know…” She looked at Johnelle.  “I don’t really know you…”

Johnelle put a hand to her chest, gasping.

“After all we’ve been through?” She exclaimed in an offended voice.  “I’m hurt!”

Pauline smiled, shaking her head.

“You think you know someone…” She trailed off, trying to remember the whole quote. After a moment, she shrugged, not really caring anymore. “Or something like that…”

Johnelle chuckled, sipping more of her drink while Pauline lazily watched Georgina and Rachie dance to another song.

After a few minutes, Johnelle drained her glass, and smiled as she noticed Pauline stifling her yawns.

“Tired, luv?”  She inquired knowingly, aware of the relaxing effects that alcohol had on someone’s system, but Pauline shook her head stubbornly.

“No.” The younger girl hid another yawn with her hand.

“All right then,” Johnelle backed off, looking around the club for several moments.

She realized that Pauline’s eyes were on her, and Johnelle slowly turned her head back to the girl sitting next to her.

“Liking what you’re seeing, Princess?” Johnelle drawled out, her eyes relaxed, and she smirked when Pauline nodded her head.

She also noticed that Pauline’s eyes seemed a bit glazed, but Johnelle’s mind shifted gears when Pauline leaned in towards her.

“You see… I’m not so bad…” Johnelle revealed, leaning her lips towards Pauline’s.

Pauline flirtatiously smiled, her own eyes half-lidded but glassy.

“No…” She licked her lips, watching Johnelle’s eyes stare at her tongue and her mouth.  “You’re not…”

Johnelle paused her movements, letting Pauline near her face, and their eyes fluttered closed as their lips inched closer and closer…

“Mmm…” The sound was the final thing that Pauline uttered in a stage of consciousness.

Johnelle’s eyes snapped open as Pauline slumped over onto her, the younger girl’s face landing onto the auburn-haired woman’s lap.  Johnelle stared down at Pauline in shock, and then she sighed out a curse.

“Fuck…” Johnelle muttered, pursing her lips as if giving a kiss and then relaxing her mouth as she continued raging at herself. “Stupid. Stupid. Fucking stupid…” She pushed at Pauline’s shoulders, elevating the sleeping girl away from her lap. Johnelle’s eyebrows rose as her muscles stretched.  “God, how much do you eat?” She grunted out as she managed to stand up, one hand still on the girl’s body as she pushed back Pauline’s chair.

Rachie and Georgina walked back towards the table, laughing happily in their conversation.

Georgina’s smile slipped off her face as she saw Johnelle lifting Pauline’s limp form into her arms with some struggle.

“What did you do to her!?” She asked loudly, rushing towards Johnelle protectively.

Johnelle rolled her eyes.

“Not a damn thing!” She barked out, tucking her arms around Pauline’s shoulders and underneath the girl’s knees. Johnelle grunted with the physical exertion, and she felt Pauline slipping.  “Now one of you, make sure I don’t drop her!”

Georgina helped Johnelle, making Pauline’s body stay more securely in Johnelle’s arms, and Johnelle looked at Georgina and then at Rachie.

“Now…” She proclaimed.  “Since I’m obviously the most sober of all of us… I’m driving.”

Johnelle spun around on her heel, and started marching towards the exit.

Rachie and Georgina followed, and they left the club and entered the cool night.

“Err… Johnnie?” Rachie hesitantly said, moving up to Johnelle’s side as they walked down the sidewalk.  “I’m not really sure if you should be drivin’; you can’t really see without your glasses…”

Johnelle stepped up to the passenger side of a rather beaten car that was parked a few yards from the Blue Tango. She turned her head to look at Rachie with a sardonic grin on her face.

“And that’s where the wondrous invention called contacts come into the equation…” She then grunted, shifting Pauline’s body around.  “Now one of you open the fuckin’ door, she’s a lot heavier than she looks.”

Georgina looked warily at Johnelle while Rachie pulled out the keys from somewhere on her person, inserting the key into the lock.  She left the key in the lock, and opened the door.  Rachie yanked forward the passenger seat and motioned for Georgina to follow her as she climbed into the back of the vehicle.

Johnelle shrugged Pauline into the passenger seat after Rachie reached forward, leaning across Georgina, to pull the seat back into its original place.  Johnelle looped the seatbelt across Pauline, and then yanked the car keys out of the lock as she slammed shut the door.

She moved to the driver side of the car, and slid into the seat, gliding the key into the ignition of the car. She mumbled obscenities as the engine spluttered several times before turning over noisily.

Johnelle turned her head back to look out the back window, and she grinned quickly at Rachie, who had lazily rested her head on Georgina’s shoulder, before her face and eyes became serious as she maneuvered the car out of its parking place. She turned back and focused her eyes onto the road, her fingers flicking on the headlights.

Meanwhile, Georgina looked down at Rachie, who sweetly smiled up at her.  She gently grinned back, and then Johnelle spoke up after turning the car to the right.

“Hey, Harrison?”

Georgina huffed.

“I do have a first name, you know…”

Johnelle’s lips curved as she drove.


Georgina sighed, letting it slide.

“You live near Pauline, right?”


“You know how to get into Pauline’s house?”

Georgina cocked an eyebrow.

“Eh, yeah.”

Johnelle made the car turn another right onto a residential street.

“Rings’ll stay in the car when you and I get Princess to bed.”

Georgina was quiet for a long while, and Johnelle noticed.


“…Fine.” Georgina finally uttered. “No tricks though, Lennon.”

Johnelle chuckled, and everyone lapsed into a somewhat comfortable silence during part of the drive.

About twenty minutes ticked by, and everyone became more alert when Pauline groaned weakly.

“Hey…” Johnelle glanced over at the slumped form in the passenger seat.  “You all right there, Princess?”

“Nnnhh…” Pauline faintly moaned as she clumsily shook her head, groaning louder.

“That doesn’t sound too good.”  Rachie said.

Pauline suddenly lurched forward, and heaved the contents of her stomach onto the floor.

Rachie and Georgina yelped, groaning at the disgusting display.

“FUCK!” Johnelle shouted, swerving the car to the side of the road. She slammed her foot down on the brakes, which made everyone fall forward a bit as the car recklessly glided to a halt.

Pauline gagged, her body shaking as she slowly leant backwards, and Rachie bitterly smiled as Georgina’s nose crinkled upwards at the smell of vomit.

“Ah…” Rachie shook her head. “The downside of drinking…”

“B-But…” Pauline spluttered out feebly. “I only had, like… like… five… That’s not a lot, right?”

Johnelle grimaced as Pauline jerked forward again to purge her stomach’s contents onto the floor.

Rachie looked sympathetically at Pauline.

“Too much for you, Honey.”

Pauline moaned as she leaned her head on the window.

“You done?” Johnelle asked carefully.

Pauline weakly bobbed her head, groaning and drifting off as Johnelle rolled down all of the windows a little bit, letting fresh air purify the smell inside the car as the car started moving again.

“Well…” Georgina sarcastically said.  “That was lovely fun.”


The car rolled to a noisy stop in front of the house, and as Johnelle got out of the vehicle, she reached into the back and grabbed her leather jacket.

Rachie kicked forward the driver seat, and climbed out, stretching her legs as Johnelle opened the passenger side door.  The tawny-haired draped the jacket on Pauline as Georgina carefully climbed out of the car, talking with Rachie.  Johnelle then picked up Pauline.

Georgina motioned Johnelle to follow her, and the two women made their way across the cobblestone pathway to the front door of the house.

Georgina turned the knob of the door to the right with one hand, using her other to pound against the wood.  With a creak, the door jiggled open, and Georgina walked inside the McCartney home, Johnelle carefully following after her.

They climbed up the staircase, and Pauline murmured as Johnelle carried her into the second-floor hallway.  Johnelle’s cheeks flamed as the girl in her arms nuzzled her breasts with a happy, sleeping purr.

Georgina opened Pauline’s door, and walked over to the dresser, quickly pulling out a pair of pajamas and setting them on the bed as Johnelle entered.

“Here, hand her over…” Georgina briskly ordered, and Johnelle gave Pauline to Georgina.

Pauline muttered nonsensical sentences as Georgina tugged her friend out of the blue dress, which exposed a white strapless bra and matching panties to Johnelle’s pleased eyes.

Georgina softly reassured her friend as she tugged the pink pajama top, decorated with large white Hawaiian flowers, onto Pauline’s limp arms.  Georgina grunted as she buttoned up the top on Pauline.

Johnelle, meanwhile, noticed some photos in frames around the room, and took the chance to look at the pictures.  She moved towards the bookshelf, where one frame stood, and looked closely at the photograph.

A younger, even more baby-faced Pauline beamed brightly at Johnelle as she stood, calf-deep in ocean water and clad in a yellow, polka-dotted bikini.  She was winking while playfully splashing water at Georgina, who Johnelle noted was wider-eyed and shorter than Pauline in the picture.  Georgina was also standing in the water, garbed in a navy-blue tankini, and she had an arm up to shield Pauline’s splashes as she also flicked a wave of water towards her older friend.  Johnelle noted that there was handwriting, fancy-looking cursive, at the bottom of the photo that said: ‘P and G at the beach, taken by M.McC.’

“Huh…” Johnelle hummed out as she set the picture back on the shelf. “You were always squirrelly, eh?” She asked as she moved towards the nightstand by the bed.

“Shut up.” Georgina grunted out, yanking the matching pants up Pauline’s legs, which was proving to be rather difficult.

Johnelle glanced at another picture, and noted that it was rather aged.  The woman in the photo was smiling sweetly next to a man, and they were dressed in their finest.  Johnelle thought she recognized aspects of the woman’s features, but she admitted that she didn’t know who either person was in the photo.

Georgina, meanwhile, noticed the makeup on Pauline’s face.


Johnelle turned to look at Georgina.

“Go to the bathroom, and get a washcloth; we got to get the makeup off.”  The younger girl ordered, and she glared at Johnelle as the auburn-haired saluted her with the left hand and bowed before prancing out of the room.

“Mmm…” Georgina heard Pauline hum out as she removed the lace-up shoes from Pauline’s feet.  “Kitty an’ squirrel fightin’…”

Georgina smirked, aware that Pauline sometimes talked in her sleep, but she decided to play along, curious of what her friend would say.

“Yeah?” She asked, dropping the shoes onto the floor as she leant Pauline against her body to give her arms a bit of a rest. “Who’s winning?”

A moment flew by, and Pauline’s head fell to the side as her lips curled.

“…The puppy.”

Georgina’s eyebrows scrunched together.

“Puppy? What puppy?”

Pauline didn’t answer, instead continuing to babble on.

“The puppy an’ the squirrel are so cute together!” She squealed out.  “The bunny says so!”

“Pauline… You are not making sense.” Georgina carefully said.

“The bunny says that the squirrel an’ the puppy like each other… They should get together!”

“Really…” Georgina skeptically drawled.

“Yes, the bunny is older, wiser, an’ smarter! An’ she’s always right!” Pauline sleepily blabbered as her eyes opened to half-moons.

“Pauline, you’re insane.”

Johnelle suddenly walked back into the room, washcloth in hand, and a knowing smirk on her face.

“Well…” Johnelle said, moving up to Pauline and Georgina, who was watching her. “The kitty is older and wiser than the bunny, and the kitty says that the squirrel…” She glanced darkly at Georgina before looking back at Pauline.   “The squirrel’s better not hurt the puppy, or the kitty will hurt the squirrel really bad.”

Georgina blinked.

“Great…” She whispered loudly.  “Crazy meets Crazier!”

Johnelle grinned.

“You haven’t seen anything yet!”

“And I’m sure I don’t want to see anymore! Now hand me that washcloth!”

Johnelle shook her head, starting to clean the makeup off of Pauline’s face.

Pauline flinched, shying away from Johnelle.

“Ehh, ehhh! Weeetttt!”  The darker-haired girl squealing, and Johnelle sighed.

“The bunny can go to bed as soon as her…whiskers are clean. The kitty and the squirrel promise.” Johnelle dramatically said, and Georgina looked at her.

Pauline hummed, allowing Johnelle to quickly wipe her makeup away, and as Johnelle finished, Pauline leant against the older woman.

“The bunny…don’t like yellow squash…” She muttered, and Johnelle smiled at the endearing scene.

“All right, luv, all right…”

Georgina reached out her arms.

“Okay…” She grabbed Pauline.  “Let me get Pauline into bed…”

Pauline struggled, resisting Georgina’s hold.

“Noooo…” She managed out clumsily, swaying her head.  “The bunny wants the kitty to tuck her in.”

Johnelle laughed, grasping Pauline.

“Well, you heard her!”

Georgina rolled her eyes, muttering something underneath her breath as she yanked back the sheets on the bed.

Johnelle helped Pauline crawl into bed under the watchful, wary eye of Georgina, and the tawny-haired woman dramatically pulled the sheets up to Pauline’s chin and tucked all the sheets in.

Pauline giggled and closed her eyes, and Georgina rolled her eyes again.

“I’ll go wait by the door.” She said.  “You better be there in five minutes.” Georgina walked out of the room.

“Byyye, Squirrel!” Pauline’s slurred voice chirped out.  “Go make out with the puppy!”

Georgina’s shoulders stiffened, and her cheeks flushed, then she just continued walking, closing the bedroom door behind her.

Johnelle smiled as Pauline’s eyes closed again, and her breaths started to even.

After a few moments, Johnelle looked down at her hands, and then started to get up.

A hand stopped her, grabbing her wrist, and Johnelle turned to look into warm brown eyes.

“I gotta secret for you…” Pauline whispered seriously.

“Yeah?” Johnelle sat back down on the bed, becoming just as serious. “What’s the secret?”

“The bunny… really likes the kitty…” Pauline babbled out, leaning up to give a peck on Johnelle’s lips in a childish way.  “M’wah!”

Johnelle’s eyes widened as Pauline pulled away with a sleepy smile, resting her head back on her pillows.

Johnelle looked at the wall, avoiding Pauline’s half-lidded eyes.

“Don’t say things like that…” She muttered to herself. “They don’t mean anything sometimes…”


Johnelle shook her hand, pulling her hand away from Pauline’s, and affectionately combing Pauline’s hair.

“Never mind; we’ll talk later, all right?” She softly said, running the knuckles of her fingers against Pauline’s rounded cheek in an unusual act of affection.

Pauline smiled, yawning.

“Okay…” She murmured, closing her eyes.

Johnelle watched Pauline fall asleep, feeling oddly shy and conflicted with herself. Then she leant forward, barely brushing her lips against Pauline’s.  She stood up, grabbed her jacket and left the room.

 A/N: I TOLD you it'd get ridiculous, sorry for the long two-part post! I had my 19th doomsday on May 15, and I had finals, and Graduation is tomorrow, Wednesday, June 16th 2010. :D So I hope this makes up for it! 

george/ringo, john/paul

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