(no subject)

May 14, 2010 15:30

Title: The Photograph
Author: alexxis3
Pairing: John/Paul, implied John/Paul/Ringo
Rating: PG13
Words: 1013
Warnings: mentionings of sex, swearing, un-beta’d
Disclaimer: I do not own The Beatles :(
Summery: While cleaning out a old furniture Paul finds a photo that awakes old memories.
Author notes: When you are lying at home with stomach flu you don’t have that much to do then thinking about stuff that holds up your mood (Beatle-porn! :D). So for some reason this came to me…from…eh…a fever dream xD
And yeah, it was a long time since I posted last time. I never really got pleased with anything I wrote. But now I'm gonna give it another try. Enjoy!

Paul had been cleaning out that desk for almost an hour now. It was incredible how many nooks and corners that old furniture had. He felt both a little sad and nostalgic about getting rid of the desk; it had followed him for many years now. If he didn’t remember wrongly it had even been standing at the Asher house for a short period of time. But Nancy was right; it was starting to look very shabby.
Paul crouched down and stretched out his arm inside on of the desk’s drawer to feel around if he had missed something. Which he clearly had when his fingers bumped into something that was wedged against the bottom and almost jammed into the cracks of the drawer.
It felt like something made out of plastic, or at least thicker then regular paper. Paul had to use his fingernails to get is loose and catch it between his forefinger and middle finger to be able to get it out of the drawer.
When he had gotten it out he realized rather quickly that it was a photograph and he curiously flipped it over in the palm of his hand.

It seemed to take his brain a couple of seconds to really understand what he was looking at and when that information was obtain completely he immediately froze up. He couldn’t avert his eyes but continued staring at the photograph. At first he had felt a cold, heavy feeling inside but it was slowly being replaced by a fussier and warm feeling when memories started to came back to him. Memories from a happening he had almost forgotten completely.
Well, he surely remembered that pretty face. That was the first one he noticed, and he almost felt embarrassed when his gaze fell down on his own, there much younger face in the photograph.
He almost couldn’t believe what he was staring at and it made him feel even more embarrassed. Like if he was watching something private, even if that actually was himself on the photo as well.
Paul remembered that lean body all too well, together with that angular face and round glasses. He had asked himself once or twice who the hell had sex with his glasses still on, but Paul had reminded himself that John had been blind as a bat and maybe wanted to see exactly who he was having sex with. The thought was almost a little flattering.

And that little more chubby body underneath the lean one couldn’t be mistaken. And if he should go after the beard Paul would easily be able to figure out what year the photo was from.
Eyes were locked to each other in the photograph, slender fingers closed around hairy forearms. And he could just guess what was going on in the shadows beneath the thinner mans belly and how he was placed over his own body in the photograph.

Paul looked around to make sure that he was all alone in the room. He had more then once suspected that Linda knew, but he had never talked about his and John’s relationship with neither Heather, Nancy nor any dates in between. And he wasn’t ready to explain if Nancy suddenly was standing behind him and wondering what he was so flustered about.

Paul had loved Linda with all his heart, and he loved Nancy, but there had always been something special between him and John as well. And when they had noticed and experienced that their special bond could express itself through sexual acts they didn’t really want to end it all too early. It had been so good.
But well, all good things had to come to an end. And a very sudden end for them. But it had been good as long as it had lasted.
Paul felt a sudden twist of sadness by the thought and quickly lowered his eyes again to gaze upon the old photograph. The years of lying in the shadows of the furniture had almost kept it in perfect state. No sun had ever faded its details. There where only a thin layer of dust that he had easily gotten rid off. It was really a gorgeous picture.

It was quite interesting that a memory like that was still so strong and could still awake the same feelings inside of him.
If he didn’t know better he would even guess that…
Paul sighed and looked down, passed the photo in his hand. Without even noticing he had been moving forward and was now standing close to the desk with his groin pressed to the old furniture for friction. It was crazy that after all these years; John could still do this to him.

But there was something he had forgotten, something he remembered first now. There had not only been him and John there during that happening. There had been the one who took the photo as well. And Paul remembered clearly who that had been. That very dear friend of theirs, who had been sitting there in that old armchair beside the bed with the camera in a death grip in both his hands.
Paul hesitated but then left the old furniture and still with the photo in his right hand he lifted the receiver of the nearby telephone with his left hand and dialled that number he since long had learned by heart. He listened to the dial tone until a very familiar voice answered in the other end.
- Ritchi, it’s me, Paul. Hey you, do you remember a specific photo of me and John…

john/paul/ringo, john/paul

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