Where I'd Like To Be **2/?**

May 03, 2010 20:08

Title: Where I'd Like To Be
Chapter: 2
Author: SquareSalute (Noelle<3)
Date: 1964 or so..
Pairing: George/Ringo with jealousy from John/Paul
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and suggestive language
Info: A heavy pressure is pushing hard on Ringo's heart. And nobody notices; except quiet but observant George. Ringo soon finds out however he isn't the only Beatle with an issue. However this problem grows inside him more and more as John and Paul become nosey in his own neb. Ringo, desperate, seeks out George for sympathy.
Chapter 2: Nosey Nebs

Morning sun shone through the hotel's blinds like razors shining directly at Ringo's now opened, and dialated, eyes. Without a moment of thought though, the drummer through himself out of bed, flung his body into the bathroom, and nearly knocked a tooth out on the rim of the toilet as vomit projected out from his mouth.

When Ringo finished he felt a cold sweat tremble all over his body. "Where the 'ell did that come from?" He rinsed his mouth before shakingly creeping out the doorway. He then noticed his roommate was missing.

Next he had the sudden visions of last night. George tried pulling his pants down...and didn't have a shirt on... But. The boy did explain to Ringo he had pulled his pants down by accident. So nothing obviously happened. Right?

Ringo walked over to their nightstand, stepping on George's dirty clothes from yesterday, read a scribbled note stating "Coffee"

Richie chuckled out of the spit of what was happening. Little Georgie always woke Ringo up for breakfast. The young lad probably felt too awkward now to even write a full sentence to him, Ringo betted.

However, he felt suddenly lost. Richard was not used to being alone in the morning, didn't suit his nature. He needed someone to have a good slapstick with and what not. Without George...He was just...Alone.

Now he really realized the full exterior of the pain welled up inside him. He began to cry, he began to weep. He began to feel more bile rise into his throat.

" 'eh Ringo!" a knock rapped the door. "You up yet, you dirty bastard??"

"Paul...Gimme a minute! I just woke." Ringo let out a loud, fake yawn to fool Paul. He wiped his face off the best he could and opened the door.

"That'a boy Rings. Now where exactly wer' you from 7 am this morning until now?" Paul questioned. John soon appeared next to him, toothbrush in mouth.

"What do you mean 'where was I'? In bed, of course." Ringo replied amused with the question.

John nodded. "Uh huh. Buth wha' bouth Georth??"

"Pardon?" So John then spit into a cup he was holding.

"What about George?"

"What about the kid?" Ringo asked back.

"Why are you not with 'em?" Paul asked, inching closer to Ringo's face.

"I dunno. He didn't wake me for coffee." Ringo stepped back. "Why are you two so suddenly interested in my life with George?"

John and Paul met eyes, the fresh breathed one battering his eyes before looking back at the drummer.

"These hotel walls are awfully thin. Don't you agree Paul?"

"Oh yes, you could probably hear the tiniest of sounds-"

"Oh like you two are the ones to question sounds and the thickness of walls??" Ringo butted in. "Georgie and I hear a lot of things from your two's room."

The two didn't look a bit offended as Ringo intended it. "We know you can hear us. And it shouldn't be an issue for anyone, since they should know of our relationship. But, when we just happen to hear sudden yells from your room, suggestive yells my dear man,
you shouldn't be surprised we ought to be curious."

Ringo looked at the two absolutely dumbfounded. Then shook his head, "Whatever you two think happened, it didn't. Understand this now or I'll pop you one later."

He suddenly turned away from couple and scoffed down the hall to the elevator.

" 'eh! Mr. Starkey! Where ya goin' now?? To see your boyfriend no doubt??" John yelled at him.

Ringo quickly shut  the elevator door. "George is not my boyfriend." he growled to himself.

When the door opened to a private lobby, the bellboy asked, "Where are you heading off to Mr. Ringo?"

"To get some fuckin' coffee."

To be continued...

george/ringo, john/paul

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