Sorry I haven't posted in forever and a day!!

May 02, 2010 09:11

Title: Of Beautiful Nights and Horror-Filled Twilights (6/?)
Pairings: John/Paul, George/Ringo, Paul/Other
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: 1974
Warnings: language, sexual content/situations, angst, rape and abuse
Author: me!! :D
Disclaimer: I don't own dem D: sadly.
Authors Note: :D I've been wanting to write this fic for FOR. EVER. It just kinda came to me in a dream, so I'm like 'hey, why the hell not?' So just bear with me!!
Every chapter is 3 weeks later, unless specified as different.
Woah, big time jump O-O sorry about that.
(Allison was born December 12, 1973. Sorry if I didn't explain that either) and Jim McCartney lives longer, I suppose xD
June 12, 1964

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"Paulie, c'mere, hurry up!" Paul sets down his book, and slides off if the bed, shuffling towards the front room where John and Allison were. "Yeah, what's going on?" John has Allison standing against him, his hands on her hips. Well, he's holding er up anyways. "She's standing, she already knows how to do that." Paul says, but John is too quick to get to the point. "Oh, but she's almost walking. Isn't that a motherly milestone or something." Paul sighs, agrees under his breath and sits on the sofa across from John. "Come on, love," John murmurs to Allison. "Go to mummy." Paul snorts and John just laughs. Allison just looks around, wondering why she isn't in on the joke. ___ Paul is sitting on the floor of the nursery. He's alone. John and Allison are out. He's reminiscing. He remembers when he and John had tried time and time again to conceive her; he remembers when the doctors said she would live; he remembers when John began to paint the nursery (the spare room at the time) with his unique drawings and doodles, and the first time he brought Allison home. Paul was so scared to tell his brother or his father that he was indeed gay, that he had a strong relationship with his best friend... When he got pregnant, was probably the worst. John was ecstatic, yes, but he was worried. Paul had lost so much weight, that nobody was sure if he would be able to even carry a child. Allison Karma Lennon... Allison Karma McCartney... Allison Karma McLennon... McLennoncartney... Paul lies in the floor, the cold wood against his ear, and closes his eyes. It bothers him that he and John used to make mad, passionate love on this very floor, and now this was Allison's floor, the one she crawled and rarely slept upon. He had always wanted to change it, but John said it was too much work. "Paul!" A familiar voice calls. "Paul, you 'ere?" Paul opens his eyes once more before answering his brother. Wait... His brother!? Paul stands up and rushes towards the nursery door, sliding awkwardly as he slammed the door behind him. Mike stood in the corridor laughing. "What's up? Why're you here? Not that it's a bad thing, but..." "Paul, you're rambling." "S-Sorry..." Mike cocks his head and a mischevious grin spreads. "Whatre you hiding?" "N-Nothing!" "Liar." "Mike, please..." Paul's heart is filled with worry and fear, ad wishes to whatever god us up there that Mike won't. Do. Anything. Stupid. "Fine," Mike puts his hands up in defense, and steps back. Paul quiety let's out the breath he had been holding. "Put, hey, could I- um, talk to you? For, like, five minutes?" The worry in Paul's heart seems to have travelled and transferred to both of their eyes. "Oh, sure." Mike leads Paul out into the front room and sits with him on the sofa. Mike takes shallow breaths and turns his head away from his older brother. Paul knows what's coming. "Are-Are you... Q-Gay?" "Huh?" "Are you gay or not?" He's too ashamed to even look at me... Paul thinks, and he begins to cry. "I'm sorry!" Paul's near-shouted words are muffled against his sleeves, and he feels like dying right there, until Mike's arms wrap around Paul's quavering body"It's okay. I totally understand. I'm not ashamed of you, if that's what you're thinking. I'm actually rather proud of you for telling me." Paul looks up at his brother's face. "Really?" Mike nods and pulls him closer. "I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to." "Okay."

george/ringo, john/paul

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