Apr 26, 2010 20:52

Title:  Sleep
Author: As always, ME. 
Pairing:  George/Ringo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Intense schmoopy goodness.  (at least I hope)  and shortness. 
Summary:  George finds it hard to get to sleep.  Ringo helps. 
Author's Notes:  Well here I am with my weird sleep fetish thing again.  *shrugs*  Started off as a P/R fic, but it turned out too fluffy and I wanted to keep it the way it was because I liked it so much.  I might be writing a P/R soon, though.  But I thought since I killed you all with that last angsty one (XD)  I'd give you some fluff.   So here you are!  Enjoy my lovelies.  :) 
Diclaimer:  Although I HAVE heard some rumours about George and Ringo spooning, (may or may not be true, I don't know)  this is absolutely fake, a product of my own insanity.  Oh, and I also don't own the Beatles.  Damn.


A rustling, the smooth sound of skin against sheets. George is awake; he’s much too awake for four in the morning, much too awake for having to get up again at six. He looks at the small body lying next to him, breathing steadily and peacefully, curled underneath the blankets.

“Hey, Ringo? Ritchie??”

George knows he shouldn’t wake the drummer, but he can’t help it, he’s awake and he’s tired and he can’t fall back asleep.  He pokes the drummer again, harder this time and smiles slightly when he feels him stir.

A groan.


George is flustered with the sight of Ringo’s tired eyes squinting at him in the dark, his hair strewn messily about his face, and George is suddenly embarrassed having woken the drummer up at all.

“I um, I just…oh, never mind.”

“Mm, ‘kay.”



George watches as Ringo rolls over, facing him, rubbing his eyes with his hands and looking much more annoyed than George anticipated. He bites his lip, feeling that warmth spread through him when Ringo raises his head to stare at him with still bleary eyes.


“I um, well. Actually never mind. Sorry for waking you.”

Ringo sighs, long and deep, a strange expression George can’t name crossing his face before he raises his eyebrows.

“I’ll have none of that. C’mon, might as well come out with it and tell me what it is while you’ve got me awake.”

George hesitates, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. “I was just…I can’t sleep and I was wondering if I could maybe…”

He trails off, wrapping a hesitant arm around the drummer’s chest and tucking his head into the crook of his neck. George inhales, the scent of skin and soap and Ringo filling his head and bringing forward that warm, wonderful, sleepy feeling George so desperately needed.

“Well alright then.” George hears Ringo’s light chuckle deep in his chest and feels a strong arm wrapping around him, a small hand settling at the small of his back. He smiles in to the drummer’s neck, soaking up Ringo’s warmth and letting it lull him faster towards sleep.



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