A new fic..

Feb 17, 2010 22:01

Title: Magical Mystery Tour (1/?)
Author: Me..
Pairings: John/Paul, mention of Ron/George later on.
Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, etc. (Oh, and un-formatted.)
Summary: John, Paul, George and Ringo in the world of Harry Potter.
Author notes: I remember someone requesting/suggesting this.. I can't remember who it was.. But if whoever requested/suggested this comments, then I'll credit them with the idea in the second part. Constructive criticism is appreciated. This is my first post on beatlesslash- but I post frequently on johnheartpaul.

Harry walked down the dark corridor under his invisibility cloak, only stopping every so often to check that the coast was clear. He pulled out the Maurader’s Map.
“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.” He whispered, tapping the map.
The map opened up, showing no one on the same floor. He was about to close it, when two dots appeared in the courtyard a few feet from him. John Lennon and Paul McCartney. “What are they doing up?” He thought, looking around.
“Mischief managed.” Harry whispered, and the map went blank. His curiosity got the best of him, and he crept forward, peeking into the courtyard.
Paul was dressed in his school robes, his blue-striped tie loosened. John was in a white button-down shirt with his red-striped tie lying on the ground next to him. At first, Harry thought they were in a heated discussion- both of them quite close to each other. But as he approached, he saw what was really going on.
John was nibbling on Paul’s neck, his hands traveling over his chest. At first Harry thought he should back away, but somehow he couldn’t tear himself away.
“Oh, John..” Paul breathed, tilting John’s head up to kiss him soundly on the lips. The kiss escalated quickly, and soon both of them had their shirts off- hands trailing over skin. John’s tongue trailed over Paul’s chest, soon resting on his nipple. He lightly sucked at it, causing Paul to moan. John climbed on top of him, planting kisses all along his torso. He started rubbing his bulge against Paul’s, trying to create friction. Paul gasped and sat up. “J-John, we can’t do this here..”
“Well, where else can we do this?” John asked between kisses. “Because this-” He tangled his hands in Paul’s hair, “-has to happen.”
“I-I don’t think that it can..” He said dejectedly, scooting away from John. “I mean, this is a school, John. There isn’t anywhere we can be.. alone.” He sighed deeply and hung his head.
“Don’t give up, Paulie-” John frowned, putting his arm over his shoulder. “We’ll find a place. Maybe we could do it in Snape’s dungeon.” He smirked.
Paul shook his head. “There’s nowhere we can go. I think.. I think i-it’s ov-”
“No!” John cried, throwing his arms around Paul. “S-Stop, don’t s-say that.”
“We can’t go on like this, Johnny.” He replied, rubbing John’s back- a tear escaping from his eye. “We can’t just keep- meeting like this in the courtyard at night- and..”
John sobbed on Paul’s shoulder, and every time Paul tried to back away, he’d sob louder. Harry knew he shouldn’t interfere, but this was a special circumstance..
“Hey.” He said, coming out from under his invisibility cloak. “Look, I kn-”
“The hell?!” John shouted, whipping out his wand. “What the fuck ‘re you doin’ here, Potter?”
“Look, calm down John-” He said, putting his hands up. “I just wanted to tell you-”
“Leave. Now, or else.” John fumed, pointing his wand at Harry’s chest.
Harry backed up. “I wanted to tell you about the Room of Requirement.”
“Impedimentia!” John shouted, and with a flick of his wand, Harry was frozen. John wiped the tears from his eyes and buttoned up his shirt.
“The Room of Requirement! Why didn’t I think of that?” Paul gasped, slapping his forehead with his palm. “I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.”
Several moments later, Harry unfroze. Paul threw his arms around Harry in a massive bear-hug and thanked him. “Thank you so much, Harry. But-” He released him. “Do you know where it is?”
“Yeah.” He said, smoothing out his tie. “It’s on the seventh floor, opposite the painting of Barnabas the Barmy. If you walk past it’s entrance three times, while concentrating on what you- eh.. need.. it will appear.”
John put on his tie and straightened it. “I’m sorry I cast that spell on yeh, Harry-”
“It’s alright, John.” Harry smiled, extending his hand.
John shook his hand enthusiastically and threw his arm over Paul’s shoulders. “See yeh later, Potter.”
Paul nodded. “Bye, Harry.”
Harry stared after them, wishing that he had someone to be with.

They made their way to the seventh floor and followed Harry’s instructions, immediately being greeted by a large door. They opened it quickly, a large bedroom with what seemed to be a very comfortable bed appearing.
“Woah.” Paul said, stepping inside the room.
John followed. “This’ll work.” He said cheekily, putting his arm around Paul’s waist.

george/other, john/paul

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