I have...a request!

Jan 04, 2010 03:20

So I'm here to introduce myself and ask for a bit of help. So hopefully you lot will be willing to lend me your aid.

First the introduction:

Hi, I'm Devin, I'm 19 years old (20 in march) and I'm a Beatles fan. You can either call me by my name as given or you can can call me by my screen name, whichever suites you, I'm also open to nicknames if you wish to invent one (it's been done before, it gives me warm fuzzies).

P.S. Ringo is my favorite

OK so now onto the slightly more important matter: I am writing my first fabfic and I am totally lost! I'm afraid that I've only been lurking for a while and while I'm pretty sure I've got Ringo and George down pretty decently (maybe? probably? I dunno) I'm at a slight loss for Paul and John.

So Maybe y'all could recommend some fics where they're characterized really well or tell me your own ideas on characterization? That would be awesome.


!requests, !introduction, !discussion

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