(no subject)

Jan 02, 2010 14:25

Title: Help! (Chapter One)
Author(s): hippie_chick69
Pairing: John/George
Rating: R
Warnings: Rape, sexual content, language.
Word count: 930
Summary: On the empty streets of Hamburg, Germany George is pulled into a dark alley by an unfamiliar man.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. I own nothing but the story line.

Nearly seventeen years old, he walked down the sidewalks of Hamburg, Germany alone at around 11PM. It was a cold night and the streets were unusually empty, just the faint sounds of blaring music from inside one of the clubs and a dog barking filled the air. Being alone in this kind of place worried George; he was a very thin boy with little muscles and had very little experience in self defense. The fear of being mugged haunted him since he had come here a few weeks earlier.

Five weeks ago he had dropped out of school to pursue a career in the only thing he felt he was good at, music. His parents had gotten him a job working with his cousin and it did work for two weeks until he lost interest. Shortly after quitting the job he was working with his cousin, George made the decision to come to Hamburg and see if he could find a band to join. There was one band in particular that he had his eye on but he figured the lead singer would never let a ‘kid’ into the band-still, he wished that somehow he would make into the group, The Quarrymen who he knew were playing their first gig tonight.

George continued walking down the street towards the Star Club where John Lennon’s band, the Quarrymen were playing. He turned the corner sharply and made his way down the new street. Suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of danger approaching, George’s speed increased and his eyes search around him nervously. As he passed a dark alley way, he saw at the corner of his eyes danger. A strong manly hand pulled him into the alley way suddenly, George’s heart jumped in his chest as he tried to fight his way out of the unfamiliar man’s grip.

“W-What are you doing? Get off me!” George managed to stammer, trying to make out the details of the man’s face in the dark. George felt a hand collapse over his mouse and another pin him up against the side of the wall.

“Shut the fuck up and I won’t kill you after I’m finished,” the man hissed aggressively, his body pressing strongly against George’s. George still struggled to make out the man’s face in the darkness but suddenly the face didn’t matter to him as he seen a quick gleam of light hit the side of a sharp knife. “Don’t say a word,” the man said with the devil in his eye. George nodded as the man held the knife inches away from George’s neck, tears brimming at the young boys eyes. Fear raced through his entire body. He would prefer to be dead then be in this situation.


“Have they paid us for the gig yet?” Paul asked John, shivering from the cold. They were walking down the same street that George had just eight minutes earlier headed for the Star Club.

“Not yet but they will once we’ve played, said they want to make sure we don’t take the money and not even play a gig,” John said, taking a puff out of his cigarette. The two boys stood side by side, each wearing new leather jackets they had bought at a shop in Liverpool and jeans.

“Alright, well I need to go get something really quick. I promise I’ll be to the club in time to play,” Paul said.

“What do you need to get?” John looked around for his friend that had disappeared suddenly. He shrugged and continued to make his way to the club.


The strange man started to undo George’s belt buckle quickly, tears were streaming out the younger boy’s eyes in fear. He pleaded for the man to stop but that seemed to make the matter worse. The stranger made quick work with George’s belt and started to unbutton his jeans aggressively, making George hurt a little.

“Take off my pants,” the man hissed into George’s face. He shook his head and with shaky hands, pulled off the man’s pants. He really wished he’d stayed in Liverpool at this point. As the man slipped down his underwear, he exposed his half hard cock to George. He pushed George down to his knees with force, “Suck me!”

George whipped the new tears away from his eyes and took the man into his mouth like he was told. He never wanted to do this to man, he wasn’t a queer. Now here he was, being treated like a piece of meat.

The man moaned as George ran his tongue up and down the shaft, the young boy had never felt so powerless before in his life.

Meanwhile, John was getting closer to the alleyway, and as he did he could hear the man’s moans. He chuckled to himself, thinking it was just some bloke getting a blow job from a whore.

“Get up,” the stranger hissed at George. He threw George against the brick wall with force, George’s head smacking against the wall painfully. More tears started to stream down his face. The stranger started to slowly push himself into the George’s entrance.

“So fucking tight,” the man grunted, George wanted to die because of the pain. He wanted to try to fight this man off but he resisted at the fear of being killed. Suddenly George looked over to the entrance of the alley and saw a male figure passing. His heart leapt with hope, he quickly tried to get away from the stranger with all the strength he had. Desperate to get the stranger's attention.
To be continued...


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