01] Who are you, what's our relationship: I'm Leah, and we're frieeeeeends! 02] How and where did we meet: probably in RE in.... 4-5 grades? maybe? it was a long time ago, back where we did that "little bear in the winter" play and the sneeches one and when we couldn't figure out how to make origami cranes and... and... and... your mom read us the Sadako and the Thousand Cranes book. And then we went to that Baptist church and that creepy guy wanted us to be his girlfriends. 03] What's my middle name: Gabrielle 04] How long have you known me: hmm.... 6 or 7 years? or something? 05] Tell me one good thing about myself: you're an incredible writer. 06] When you first saw me what was your impression: I don't remember... 07] My age: 17 08] My birthday: April 21 09] My favorite types of music: oh my, well that's a hard question. but... ska, classic rock, oldies, silly Disney songs, etc. etc. etc. 10] Color eyes: greeny-brown 11] Do I have any siblings: yup, Josh. 12] What's one of my favorite things to do: take pictures, listen to music, be on the cape, write 13] Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: naw, sorry. as I said, it was a while ago. 14] Describe me in 3 words: supernice, creative, reallyintelligent 15] Name 5 things I love: music, humor, writing, friends, Empire Records 16] How would you describe me to someone: really pretty, long dark hair, about as tall as I am, laughs a lot, is really easy to talk to, and knows a ton about music. 17] Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: I can't really think of anything. although, if I could, it was be kind of a movie moment.... y'know, those revelation ones that go along with a lot of strings in the soundtrack and everything. 18] What do you like most about me: your overall excellentness (and lack of drama). 19] If we could spend a day together what would we do: we'd look at pictures, dance around in the rain (if it was raining), talk a lot, reminisce about youth group days of old, and probably try to bake something. 20] Have we ever gotten in a fight: nope. 21] Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: yeah, I should hope so! I won't let college come between us! 22] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Erica the brave, escapee of the vicious Monkeyman himself! I think it's kind of self-explanatory. 23] What do you think my weakness is? CDs! 24] Do you think I'll get married? I expect so, eventually. 25] What makes me happy? 26] What makes me sad? people going away, injustice, people being overly-dramatic, Charlie being sick 27] What reminds you of me? good poems, a few songs, breakfast at tiffany's, a ton of youth group things, obviously. 28] If you could give me anything what would it be? a college acceptance letter to Yale, and a looooong and happy life! 29] When's the last time you saw me? on Sunday afternoon 30] Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? getting stronger. 31] Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? yeah, and I really appreciate that. 32] Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you? I think so... 33] If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? Blackberry, because it's yummy and not-boring, and the first one I thought of. 34] What song (if any) reminds you of me? I'll Follow the Sun 35] If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? I can't think of anything. 36] Do we 'hang'? er, I suppose so. although I don't think we hang when the word has quotation marks around it, because that's kind of silly. 37] Do I cross your mind at least once a day? I'm not sure I haven't really paid attention. it's really hard to notice things like that, but maybe. quite possibly.
02] How and where did we meet: probably in RE in.... 4-5 grades? maybe? it was a long time ago, back where we did that "little bear in the winter" play and the sneeches one and when we couldn't figure out how to make origami cranes and... and... and... your mom read us the Sadako and the Thousand Cranes book. And then we went to that Baptist church and that creepy guy wanted us to be his girlfriends.
03] What's my middle name: Gabrielle
04] How long have you known me: hmm.... 6 or 7 years? or something?
05] Tell me one good thing about myself: you're an incredible writer.
06] When you first saw me what was your impression: I don't remember...
07] My age: 17
08] My birthday: April 21
09] My favorite types of music: oh my, well that's a hard question. but... ska, classic rock, oldies, silly Disney songs, etc. etc. etc.
10] Color eyes: greeny-brown
11] Do I have any siblings: yup, Josh.
12] What's one of my favorite things to do: take pictures, listen to music, be on the cape, write
13] Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: naw, sorry. as I said, it was a while ago.
14] Describe me in 3 words: supernice, creative, reallyintelligent
15] Name 5 things I love: music, humor, writing, friends, Empire Records
16] How would you describe me to someone: really pretty, long dark hair, about as tall as I am, laughs a lot, is really easy to talk to, and knows a ton about music.
17] Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: I can't really think of anything. although, if I could, it was be kind of a movie moment.... y'know, those revelation ones that go along with a lot of strings in the soundtrack and everything.
18] What do you like most about me: your overall excellentness (and lack of drama).
19] If we could spend a day together what would we do: we'd look at pictures, dance around in the rain (if it was raining), talk a lot, reminisce about youth group days of old, and probably try to bake something.
20] Have we ever gotten in a fight: nope.
21] Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: yeah, I should hope so! I won't let college come between us!
22] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Erica the brave, escapee of the vicious Monkeyman himself! I think it's kind of self-explanatory.
23] What do you think my weakness is? CDs!
24] Do you think I'll get married? I expect so, eventually.
25] What makes me happy?
26] What makes me sad? people going away, injustice, people being overly-dramatic, Charlie being sick
27] What reminds you of me? good poems, a few songs, breakfast at tiffany's, a ton of youth group things, obviously.
28] If you could give me anything what would it be? a college acceptance letter to Yale, and a looooong and happy life!
29] When's the last time you saw me? on Sunday afternoon
30] Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? getting stronger.
31] Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? yeah, and I really appreciate that.
32] Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you? I think so...
33] If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? Blackberry, because it's yummy and not-boring, and the first one I thought of.
34] What song (if any) reminds you of me? I'll Follow the Sun
35] If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? I can't think of anything.
36] Do we 'hang'? er, I suppose so. although I don't think we hang when the word has quotation marks around it, because that's kind of silly.
37] Do I cross your mind at least once a day? I'm not sure I haven't really paid attention. it's really hard to notice things like that, but maybe. quite possibly.
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