re-reading old lj entires..

Jun 29, 2007 16:53

this is a classic post!

steph vs. marv! [16 Jun 2005|04:07am]
[ mood | jittery ]
[ music | hoods - i own you ]

holy 4am, i need to stop drinking coffee in the middle of the night.
so 24 hours ago i was at war with the biggest fly i have ever seen in my life!!!
this thing was like prehistoric i swear!
i hate big bugs they scare the shit out of me!
last night i decided i was gonna go to bed early like before 5 am. so i popped in the x-files got all snuggly under my covers with my panda in my arms, just about to pass the fuck out and i heard this extememly loud buzzing sound over my head.
i looked up and there was this massive black dot flying around in the corner.
i was so gossed out and shaky as hell.
i crawled on to the floor.. with my panda still in my hand gripped tight as hell to my chest, reached up and flipped on the switch.
the fucking thing started to go nuts.
like you know how you walk into a dark kitchen in a ghetto apartment and turn on the light and roaches start scattering everywhere? it was like that.
and the buzzing was sooooo loud!
clearly this thing had to be destroyed..
first i grabbed a ruler because it was the closest thing to me.. did one of those "mission impossible rolls" and landed on my bed ..panda still in hand.
fucking hit this thing with the ruler like 4 times it wouldn't go down!!!!
it was like marv from sin city or something.. that fucker could take a beating!
so me and marv were duking it out for about 15 minutes.
i have no idea whats happening in the x-files and i'm getting really pissed.
this thing charged at my head about three times.
i have never experienced anything like this before. it was insane!
then i reached under my bed for another weapon and found a fucking hammer!!!
so at this point i'm standing on my bed in spiderman pj pants, an extremely small iron maiden shirt that i only wear when no one is around, and my hair up in one of those valley girl ponytails because it was sweltering hot.. hammer in one hand and panda in the other.
could you imagine this image? i looked like a fucking tool.
needless to say after a couple swing and a miss, i took marv out!
he went flying in to my ceiling fan, caught one of the blades and smashed into my door.
he made this nasty "THUNKK" sound.. i jumped when i heard it.
it fucking woke up my mom, she was so pissed, when i showed her the recently slaughtered marv, she screamed and ran out of the room.
i grabbed some tissues, he made this nasty crunch sound.. sooooooo grosssss!!!!!!
chucked him the garbage can out side.
victory was mine!
when i came back upstairs the episode was over. so i was fighting with this fucking thing for about an hour.
i now hate flies just about as much as i hate mosquitos.
time for fucking bed. got a lot of shit tomorrow before christine's graduation.
hope you're all having sweet dreams.
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