Mar 19, 2006 14:12
So it's Sunday morning.. and what better is there to do than write in livejournal?
actually, cleaning my room / writing scarlet letter journals / showering / and not sitting on my ass to be exact.
OoOoooOOoO well though.
So I left off awhile back. And since then not too much has been happening.
Last weekend went to Bryan's for a bonfire and Ted's to see all the kids that have come home for spring break. Some good stuff let me tell you.
Sunday me and Tiff went dress shopping for prom. (haha- and I promise this year me talking about prom will not be like the last). Found this amazing dress, that I swear looks like a lampshade, but it's amazing. Too freakin' bad that was the only dress like it in the entire store - and it was one size too small. I mean, yes, I could fit in it but, would not be comfortable what-so-ever to dance in all night. Hopefully they'll get a new shipment in soon. Otherwise I can settle for 1 of 2 dresses at Davids Bridal. They're both pink! ah!
ANYWAYS.. Monday should've been a snowday. I pulled out of my garage, down colfax, down 79th.. and attempted to look across the street. hmm, yep, pretty sure all I could see was a white wall. And therefore, I turned around and luckily caught the bus. Upperclassmen did get to go home early.. fuckin awesome. Yay for having cars.
hmm.. what else has been happening. Guess this takes us into Friday. St. Patrick's Day! w00t! I totally had the whole green thing going on all day. So pretty much I just hung around the house and ran a few goodly errands (wink wink) before heading to Bryan's. Tiff ended up working till close so that was too bad, but Schaef still got to come over. Had our fun for a little bit before heading to Koppi's for only a planned hour. Uhhh.. yea so that didn't actually last. What can I say, when it comes to those folks I just can't turn them down. Plus, hadn't seen them in forever and they were leaving in two days. AND.. it was fuckin' St. Patty's Day.
Was a good night to say the least.
It always happens that on party nights -- Stacy has to work bring and early the next morning. Crazy but, what can you do. Work was busy as hell, too. Stupid. Afterwards I went home and NAPPED. OoO, AMAZING, because trust me, going 48 hours with 5, maybe 6, hours of sleep is close to being impossible. Was awoken by a hungry Koppi and left my bed for a few hours to look at fat Koppi pictures and sit at Teds. I was home by 12:45.. mainly because of the tiredness factor. Layed on the couch, watched The Crappy Pacifier, and talked to a druken Mikey in New Orleans. It used to bother me when he called in that state of being but, hell, I don't even care anymore. He just rambles on about the silliest things and tells me he misses me. I can allow that :D
And today, like I said before, I do have shit loads of things that I should be doing that I'm not. Instead, I'm sitting online, writing, talking, listening, and procrastinating. Up until now at least. Now I'm off to do whatever I can before heading to work at 5.