This is Amy, This is the only picture she let me take of her. But ya know I prefer theprettyinnocenttalented girls over thedrinkservingslutty ones- but you know thats just me. So Today i was at work and my boss has two kids from a previous marriage (when he was like 18 i think) that he NEVER mentions. i've always thought it was weird. last week, he was talking with one of the attorneys about how his son only talked to him for money, stuff like that. I always thought it was strange that he had mutual funds accounts for his daughter from that marriage, but not his son. well, today in the mail, there came statements from his daughter's accounts. he had closed out both of them, made the withdrawals to himself. AHHHH. I want to know what that's all about!?!?!?!?
okay, NOW i'm done with the gossip.
oh, and my mom's mad at me again. i'm really not certain why, but i got the silent treatment last night, she didn't remind me to bring my lunch today, and didn't respond to an email i sent her. so it should be a FABULOUS night tonight.
allright i'm leaving early since bossman just took his wife to dinner. before he left, he started asking me if he'd shown me his sharktooth yet. i was like, ummm, no? and had no idea what he was talking about. his wife started laughing, and said BLUETOOTH HONEY, BLUETOOTH. his wireless headset thing for his cell phone. haha, what a dork. shark tooth.