Jan 25, 2012 15:52
...and starting a new account with a new name, fewer friends/comms, and the like.
Like I said in my last post, LJ has become a chore, and I fear that if I don't do something about this, then I will inadvertently abandon my account all together. I still have a few months of extra userpics, but I'm not sure that it's worth it to wait. Realistically, if I get some gen!userpics instead of several for pairings and one for every character, I won't need to have 30.
IF I START OVER, here's what will likely happen:
1. I will create the new journal and
a. transfer comm ownerships/modships
b. create a new tagging system in the new journal for mems
c. sort through the current mems and decide what I want to keep.
d. track all my old posts on spn_storyfinders, as that is important to me.
e. repost last years minibang, and see if I can repost in the comm.
2. I'll add a few of the friends and comms I definitely want to keep.
3. I'll make an announcement post, so that anyone who I may have forgotten to add in step 2 will know and add me.
4. My journal will be more Glee themed, as that is what I am more involved with these days.
5. I may repost some of my fics to my journal, but not all of them.
As much as it will suck to loose all my comments in my stuff, I think the benefits would outweigh the costs. Thoughts, f-listies?