Yet another meme

Apr 17, 2011 22:30

Snagged from aoitsukikage  because one can never have too many memes.

Pick your five favourite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them. Don't cheat!

(I have more favorite t.v. shows than this…like I would have loved to put Doctor who on there…but I could only pick 5! *pouts*)

1. Supernatural
2. Glee
3. Dark Angel
4. Torchwood
5. Firefly

Who's your favourite character in 2?
Probably gonna have to go with Kurt, as he has always been my favorite, but I really like Finn, Sam, and Blaine, too! I ship all four of them in any combination.

Who's your least favourite character in 1?
Ruby. She was an awesome BAMF in season 3, but I HATED season four Ruby (aka, the beard, or the unmentionable woman). Did she even study Katie Cassady’s performance before playing Ruby? Performance aside, her character went to shit that season.

What's your favourite episode of 4?
Goodness, there are SOOOOO many excellent episodes of Torchwood! And as much as I’d like to pick a Jack/Ianto-heavy episode, I’d have to say my favorite was Captain Jack Harkness. The original Captain Harkness was a great guy, and his and the current Captain Harkness’ kiss goodbye made me cry!

What's your favourite season of 5?
Firefly only has one season. Therefore, season 1. But I will state, for the record, that I prefer the series to the movie that followed it.

What's your favourite ship in 3?
Logan/Alec. As a slash fan, I can see the sexual tension between them…it’s awesome!!!!!!!

Who is your anti-ship in 2?
I can’t stand Santana (even if she was actually likeable in one episode when she confessed her love for Brittany), so any ship with her, particularly Santana/Sam, makes me want to vomit.

How long have you watched 1?
Season 4 was out on DVD before I started watching Supernatural, but I quickly caught up, and had to wait for season 5 to be on DVD to see it! I was a fan from the time I watched the pilot!

How did you become interested in 3?
Embarrassingly enough, my mom rented it on our Blockbuster thingy, and we sat down to watch it. Now I own both seasons on DVD, and am an eternal fan of Jensen Ackles.

Who's your favourite actor in 4?
Oh…that’s a tough one! John Barrowman is awesome, as is Gareth David Lloyd. I think I’ll have to state John, as I’ve never seen Gareth in anything else.

Which show do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Supernatural. Hands down. Firefly was great, but isn’t a real contender against Supernatural and Glee. Do I wait (im)patiently for each episode? Yes. Do I participate in fandom for both? Yes. Do I give a flying crap about the characters in both? Hellz yeah. But Supernatural is so much more to me than Glee is. Case in point: I am a Finn/Kurt shipper, and got a tad bit upset when Kurt and Blaine got together. But I got over it. However, I can’t get over some of the BS they’ve pulled in season 6 of Supernatural. Therein lies one of the greatest difference.

And yes, I’ve got a few friends from the Glee fandom, but some of my best friends I met because of Supernatural. The fandom bond is incomparable to any other. You guys are amazing, and I love it!

Which show have you seen more episodes of: 1 or 3?
I’ve seen all of both, and Supernatural has more. So, therefore, I’ve seen more Supernatural than Dark Angel.

If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
IDK…maybe Gwen, but I’d prefer to be myself, and a member of the Torchwood team, if that’s okay. (But if I were Gwen, I’d totally get to walk in on Jack and Ianto’s happy naked times! LOLZ)

How would you kill off your favourite character from 1?
Considering how many times Dean has died, I don’t know if I can answer that. If he had to die and stay dead, it would be for Sam. (But I don’t wanna think about that!!!!!!!)

Give a random quote from 1.

“Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you. I don't care.”

Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Not really…

Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Castiel and Balthazar. I’ve only recently started shipping them in any way, shape, or form, but I think they’d be nice together. Castiel is serious, and rather deep, but I think he needs someone to make him lighten up sometimes. Dean kinda fills this role, but I have a feeling that Balthazar would be more patient with him. Balthazar, meanwhile, kinda needs someone to keep his ass in line.

Has 5 inspired you in any way?
Firefly has inspired me…I’ve never made fic for them or anything, but the crew is a nice reminder that a group of friends can be the best damn dysfunctional family out there!

Overall, which show has a better cast? 3 or 5?
I cannot choose. The casts from both are truly superb.

Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
I like the theme song from Torchwood, but on principle, I must say Glee.

dark angel, glee, supernatural, meme

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