Sudden change of plans, what?

Oct 15, 2008 15:08

Life in Milwaukee has been rather rough. We are in the closet sized room that apparently used to belong to the cats...meaning they're used to hanging out and pissing everywhere in there. We've mostly been able to keep them shut out, but it smells godawful and Duncan has been having physical altercations with one of their cats (they have 3 female cats, we have one male and one female). Then there's Nik's sister...she's 23 and retarded...literally, like she kicks ass at special olympic bowling. She also is akin to Elmira (spelling?) from Looney Toons/Tiny Toons in her level of animal tormenting. So things have not been easy.
Yesterday Nik had a verbal argument with his sister regarding food preparation, location of vehicles, etc. This led Nik's mom to come home and scream at us for about 20 minutes about everything she could think of: we have too much stuff, we don't wash dishes (we've eaten off of paper plates every day we've been there), the fact that I stayed in bed for a day or so when I was really sick, the fact that I'm not immediately looking for a serious job having to do with my degree, the fact that we've taken over the cats' room, the fact that they pay rent (!?), and even trying to rub in our faces that they were our last resort, implying that my family would not take us in. She also was hard core guilting us for their helping to pay for us to get up here, claiming all sorts of strange things that simply are not true. That's not even nearly everything. She just stood there yelling at us for everything imaginable, most of which we had no idea was in any way an issue.
The end result?
We're moving to Memphis.
His parents don't know this yet, but my family knows and has begun making preparations. I just don't have it in me to live with his sister and mom in such close quarters. I totally underestimated the hellishness that I was coming in to by moving up here.
Moving up here happened so suddenly that I really didn't get a chance to give Memphis a chance. I now deeply regret that.
We are staying here a few more weeks, possibly another month. My dad starts a new job next week, at which time he will be working 3 jobs, which sucks, but it will enable him to be more flexible in being able to help us. We will also be voting in the election up here where our vote will have a greater impact.
So this is really just turning out to be an extended visit to Wisconsin...admittedly, an extended visit on which we brought all of our belongings, but a visit nonetheless.
I don't think I was ready for a winter of -40 degrees anyhow.

So, Memphis folks: I am returning, and bringing Nik, Duncan and Sayomi with me!
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