
Oct 21, 2006 15:22

I haven't posted in FOREVER...I know, I know. But I'm bored right now, so I figured I'd make a quiz of some quotes from my favorite movies. The concept is simple...you tell me what movie each quote is from. There are cool points involved for the person with the best score! It should be pretty easy if you know me but at all.

Post your answers as a comment. (These aren't the most well-known quotes from these movies, but that's part of the fun!)

1. "THEY dressed me up like this. And this isn't my nose, it's a false one!"
2. "How did you find America?" "Turn left at Greenland."
3. "Ah washed ma face and 'ands afore Ah come, Ah did."
4. "A franc for your thoughts?" "In America they'd bring only a penny."
5. sung: "It's fun to be a fairy and fly from town to town..."
6. "Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. And we've already missed the spring."
7. "I'm not worthless. And I don't have fleas!"
8. "I'm not a witch at all!"
9. "Why it's more than I can bear." "More beer?" "What for? Nothing helps."
10. "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?"
11. "If you don't chew Big Red, f*@# you!"
12. "I killed a man with a trident!"
13. "'The Godfather' is the sum of all wisdom."
14. chanted in tune with music: "Gentlemen upstage, ladies downstage. Are you a lady, Mister Kent?"
15. "How you can calmly eat muffins at a time like this, I can't make out." "I can hardly eat them in an agitated manner. I'd get butter all over my cuffs."

buena suerte todos
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