Apr 17, 2005 23:58
Hello all =)
I sure haven't used this thing in a while, and well, I feel it's about time to. =D
I am in GA of course, with nothing to do, so perhaps that's why, haha.
It sucks having to move here AGAIN, but whateverrrrrrrrrrrr. I wish I were in FL more than anything. But hey, that's the story of my life: moving from state to state every few months.
Blahhhhhh =*(
.... =)
Hmmm, what to say, what to say.....
OH! I can NOT wait until Friday. Derek's coming to GA to stay with me until Monday!!!!! I think that will be the 2nd best day of my life. The 1st best day of course is when we decided we should be together. =)
I seriously do NOT know what I would do without him. He literally saved me from something (or someONE rather) that I nearly wanted to die over and man, he is just the best thing ever and I love him with ALL my heart and SOUL. We KNOW for a 100% fact that we'll together forever and always. We know it, we know it, and there's no doubt in our minds that we won't. He always says that we're perfect, and that, we are.
I like how we were friends for such a long time before any of this occured between us. It was only a matter of time and God knows it was and IS meant to be.
I never knew it was possible to love someone this much. Although I KNOW John loved Yoko more than words can explain and same with Paul and Linda.... but I never experienced it, but I surely have now. =)
I didn't really get to tell anyone bye before I left. I didn't go to school a whole week before hand and just, ughh. I didn't want to. It was too hard to up and leave again when I just did it a few months before hand. I just wanted to leave and get it over with.
I'm really missing last summer for some reason. My days of being with Sabrina non-stop, Cymone, and Meaghon. We had some fun. And Sabrina if you're reading this, I was telling Derek about us meditating in the pool in my back yard that night at like, what, 3 in the morning? haha.... hmmmm.... =)
In a way, I think this move may have been a good thing. It just kinda.... I don't know, makes me realize some things. I miss a few select people and my goodness, I sob over not being to be with Derek everyday, but, it'll all work out in the end. I'll get to see him plenty in the mean time, and others.
I've changed alot lately. Like, dealing with drugs and all. I used to be keen on weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed as everyone knows, and I am pretty sure now that everyone knows I can't stand the shit. And after trying ecstasy a few times, doing my fair share of cocaine, and doing acid..... YEAH. That's enough. Definitely not my thing. I used to think I couldn't DARE have fun during the weekend unless a drug was involved, but all that changed I think when I realized I liked being sober and actually just being in my right state of mind. WEIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD huh? haha. =)
I really wish I could have seen more of Nikki and Sabrina before I left. I miss the two of you alot ya know.
It was such a nice day today..... I love the way it is outside come about, ummm..... 5 to 6. I was on the phone with Derek and I told him all I want out of life is a house surrounded by beautiful green grass and to be able to have the windows open so the breeze can just blow on through.... of course he said that I will =) But tonight all the windows were open and I could just lay there and smell the fresh air and look out the window to the huge open field of grass that lays in the back yard and it's soooo pretty =)
Ok, I'm rambling on and I've written alot, so I suppose I will go.
Love Love Love