I'm not that great with lj so I'm just hoping that the cut works...
01. Name: Julia
02. Age: 15
03. Gender: Female
04. Location: CA
05. Favorite Beatle: George Harrison
06. Least favorite Beatle: pishh I love them all so much, how could I have a least favorite?*coughpaulcough*
07. Which Beatle do you think you're most like and why? I have no idea, whatsoever :D
08. Favorite Beatles song: Within You Without You
09. Favorite Beatles album: Revolver
10. Describe your musical tastes (besides The Beatles): All Time Low, The Distillers (i will always love brody dalle. I even love her Spinnerette stuff, believe it or not...), The Ramones, The Rolling Stones... theres a lot, I'm not gonna type it all up, sorry.
11. Your Strengths: independent, reliable
12. Your Weaknesses: insecure, gets pissed really easily
13. Talents and/or things you enjoy doing even if you aren’t talented at them: music, painting, pretty much everything that wont get me anywhere in life. and making people laugh, because thats just one of those things that makes me feel good.
14. Are you a leader or a follower? follower unless the leader is an idiot.
15. Are you serious or more of a jokester? seriousity does not even begin to enter my spectrum of thought....
16. Are you a showman that loves the spotlight or more of a behind the scenes type person? behind the scenes.
17. What three things are most important to you in life? Music, Friends, and general happiness. Yes, that means you. get out there and be happy, dammit! (probably not the best approach...)
18. What makes you really respect a person? not taking other peoples shit.
19. What are your feelings on spirituality and religion? religion is great if thats your kind of thing, but seriously, pressing it on other people is disgusting.
20. Please link to three recent unstamped you have voted on:
http://community.livejournal.com/beatle_stamp/1268.html http://community.livejournal.com/beatle_stamp/2870.html#cutid1
http://community.livejournal.com/beatle_stamp/4697.html?view=48729#t48729 21. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description: short blonde hair, tallish, uuber skinny.