Beatle Rating: Wives

Nov 23, 2009 18:13

Application: THEME: Beatle Women

This is a special beatle_rating themed application! Please stamp as any of the Beatle Women. This includes all the Beatles’ wives (Cynthia, Maureen, Pattie, Yoko, Linda, Olivia, Barbara, and Heather) as well as Jane Asher (she was close enough!)

01. Name: Ellie :)
02. Age: 18
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as (if any)? Paul

04. Favourite wife (+Jane): Olivia, and Linda
05. Least favourite wife (+Jane): Heather is a slightly more obvious choice, but I’ve also never been too fond of Jane, I’m really not sure why either
06. Which wife (+Jane) do you think you're most like, and why? The only one that springs to mind is Yoko, because although I don’t consider myself an artist I do have ideas and behaviours that sometimes scare people. But, I don’t really know the wives too well so I could be VERY wrong

07. Favourite Beatle: George! :)
08. Least favourite Beatle: Personality-wise, John. Musically, Ringo
09. Which Beatle could you see yourself dating or marrying, and why? George, simply because I love him! And Ringo because he just seems like the kind of guy I’d go for
10. What is your favourite Beatle period (mop tops, psychedelic/late, post-Beatles, other)? I’d say for the whole band, about the time they went to India together. Although I also love George as a Wilbury! :)
11. Let’s say somehow you ended up meeting The Beatles. How do you think this would have happened? Probably as a scary fan chasing them or something knowing me O.o

12. Describe the perfect relationship: A relationship where two people understand each other and know how to treat each other right
13. Describe your ideal man: George, with a little bit of Roald Dahl and Russell Brand thrown in!
14. What do you wish to accomplish in life? Just to feel satisfied with whatever I do, and hopefully have children someday
15. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Mostly a leader, simply because I don’t LIKE being a follower, unless it’s for the right person
16. What do you value most in life? People, friendships. And reading time :)
17. What do you think are your top 5 positive traits? Spontaneous, open-minded, forgiving, perfectionist, optimistic
18. What do you think are your top 5 negative traits? Lazy, clingy, easily distracted, impatient, sometimes unreliable

19. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on:

20. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description:

I believe that is all :)
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