Best Part of Weekend: The moments of hopeful anticipation after the shiny loonie has been put in the Homie despencer and the crank has been turned, JUST before you open the flap and see what you got.
Worst Part of Weekend: Opening the flap and seeing a CLOWN. Another freakin' clown. They are not homies so why are they always in the homie machines??! Thats what I want to know.
Well here are some Gypsy children to cheer us all up. Or maybe just me. The Caption says they are "Shivering on the beach in Peniscola, these Gypsy children maintain their inherent dignity".
Oh also, some things are going to change around here. I'm going to be a Ninja...or something.
Wow that sounds really dumb. Anyways I guess what I mean is I haven't made enough missions for myself lately. Up until...maybe mid-January I was probably averaging 2 missions a week, sometimes even 3. I haven't really had any since then. Yup, there are going to be some changes alright... just wait and see.