Feb 12, 2004 00:48
For Valentines Day I'm going to be a gypsy. Or else just a regular nomad with no cultural affiliations.
Also: I would like Son, Ambulance more except for in Maria in Motion he does the whole woman/ girl contrast thing. I hate it when people do that. It gives me the creeps. Mostly its only guys (and Brittney Spears), I've noticed, who write lyrics about, you know "she wears ugly shoes and whines about 'the office' like a woman, but stuffs pop-tarts in her mouth like a girl....ohhh yeah...shes a woman who is sometimes like a little girl...ooooooohh...the contrast is so bea-u-te-ful, she is changing like a butterfly..". Ugh.
I had something lame in this space but decided to delete it. So anyone who got a chance to read it, keep it close to your heart. You can also use it as a pawn when you are all arguing over who gets to write my Biography.
Instead: Last night The Parkas were good, really good. But there were some little babies in the crowd. Like what seemed to be many, many 14 and 15 year olds (it was suppost to be 19+). Anyways they left after the opening band and after when we were discussing it I said "Yeah they are probably already tucked in asleep under their Mighty Morphon Power Rangers sheets". My friend then kindly informed me that she wasn't quite sure that was what the kids were sleeping under these days. Apparently I am out of the loop. Further proof was on Saturday morning (while watching some kids for the past 5 days) the little angels woke me up at 7 am. I put on some Cursive to calm them down, but they actually TURNED IT OFF and put on a Hillary Duff song 'This is what dreams are made of'(what is what dreams are made of? Singing horrible mid-90's style pop and looking like you are 35 when you are only 15??!?). I called at them to 'turn that noise down!!' while drinking my coffee and reading up on RRSP's. I thought I was still in with the younger generation. Apparently not. Even my favorite kids cartoon, When Timothy Goes to School, has been cancelled, or so says my brother. I wasn't ready to say good-bye.