So Wednesday night was the best night ever. Luckily not all my friends are like me or else I would never have been able to see the compleatly sold-out (I like how i knew to put a hyphon there. I rule.) Hidden Camera's and TDC show. And also this amazing friend walked with me in a snowstorm from the show on Winchester St. at Parliment all the way to Sneaky Dee's...most people can't stand to walk one block with me and my constant 'would you rather's' and 'what if's'. Then we went to see the Vulcan Dub Squad and they were even better than I remembered. I bought their the cure cover cd with underage kiss marks on it....sweet.
And best of all, I wasn't that scared! Like, they were wearing their face coverings, and I was just chill with it, like 'oh they're wearing masks? I had barely noticed!'type deal. And I wasn't just PLAYING it cool, I really was cool. So now that I'm a big expert on overcoming paranoias I will be giving you all unsolicited and highly annoying advice ad naseum.
Oh also I learned two important things these past few days:
1) ok i'll wait while you get a pen to write this down. for reals, this is going to be good.
1a) You can trick your friends into saying 'thank-you' to you alot by doing really small favours for them. Someone taught me this one, and I am forever indebited to them. Ok, for example (and this is a real-life example, not just a hypothetical one) if your friend is putting their hat on and the reaching for their mittens, when they are about 2 cm away from them, quickly reach out and pass them to them, so it looks like you are really helping them even though it probably would have been faster/easier for them to just get them themselves. And Volia! You have coerced your companion into extending graititude towards you for minimal effort. The extreme of this would be the old 'little brother' trick of pushing you at the top of a cliff and then grabbing you back with a sing-song'saved your life'! Or maybe that was just my little brother.
2) If you get frost bite on your butt it is probably best to keep it to yourself. Being the optimisitic and, more importantly, cookie-crazed individual that I am, I whined to all my friends last weekend when I got frost bite on my ass. If you think they will extend pity, condolances, free rides around town and home baked cookies to you in an effort to ease your discomfort, think again!! They will laugh and you and make grade 2 jokes forever. I guess amusement comes before pity in all butt-related ailments. And isn't that,really, the plague of our society?
Ok, gotta go practice my 80's dance moves so I can slay everyone later tonight.
Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
P.S. this quiz is really messing me up. Because I was thinking how out of touch with reality I sometimes feel, but then I realized that it was the REST of soceity that was really out of touch.Only I know the truth. But now these quiz results are causing me to second guess myself. Stay strong grasshopper....
P.P.S. Some people had expressed amazement at my apparent head-levitating in my icon. But I'm actually just wearing a black hoodie. So ha ha, foolded ya!