(no subject)

Jun 15, 2010 00:50

1) The topics in this post may or may not have a common theme.

2) If I have no street cred left, that's ok because I am already too cool for you.

Last Friday was my 26th birthday. I have officially stepped into my late twenties.

That triggered a very minute panic response. I haven't done anything so far and yet look I'm already closer to 30 than I am to 20.* But it's not like I know what to do about me being stagant in life.

Anyway, on the beautiful morning of my birthday, I got braces.

As what I have told some people, I am trying to capture the fleeting fountain of youth. Ha ha. I make myself laugh but really joke is on me. I should have gotten braces YEARS ago - for this I blame my parents 100%, not because they didn't know what I know now about orthodontics, but because she brushed it aside when she was made aware of the problem. So now at the tender age 26, I mark my birthday by having metal teeth. Yay. (I got an ortho prof to help me out - he agreed to charge me for half price, but I forgot how outrageously expensive he charges regularly).

I am hating them every second. I can't eat (and you know how much I love food). Eating has become A CHORE, believe it or not. I look different, especially now because I have yet to get my premolars extracted (34, 44, 15, 25 exo) and my canines have nowhere to go and yet they have to bear the bulge of the bracket. I can't talk. My gums hurt. I spend a long time just to floss/other OH activities. UGH. The only two advantages are: in two years, I will have solved the attrition/general wear problem, the unstable occlusion problem, the crowding problem, the off midline problem etc etc; and also I finally know what it is like to get ortho, for my patients' sake. (I am rather excited for ortho clinic next year)

I am now in a new lab. The new kid, but now I am back to being the lowly undergrad who knows nothing about everything, since my project involves cell culture and microscopy. On the side, I go back to the old lab to help. Well, the old lab pays me and the new lab doesn't. What can I say?

Instead of reading papers and protocols, I've been fangirling for the last two weeks. Obsessively. I have been quite useless. This is coming from the girl who doesn't like pop and Asian music (kpop/cpop/jpop) in general.

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*Whoa. I reread this sentence again and it's hard to see it typed up in black and white.

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