Today I slammed my brakes too hard and flipped over my bicycle, leaving me with a fat lip and a bruised ego. LOL oh life.
On another note, joined a wellness class I heard about in CAPS, and turns out it's actually a weight loss class. My BMI is in the healthy range so I'm not sure I need it per se, but I am going to stay in the class because I realized whent the instructor was speaking about unhealthy lifestyles that EVERYTHING she said applied to my life:
- excessive alcohol consumption
- relatively sedentary life (except for biking)
- irregular mealtimes (usually 1 meal at 3 pm and 1 meal at 10 or 11 pm)
- unhealthy eating habits (hardly have time to cook, fresh fruit/veggies go bad too fast, so I eat shite)
- not enough sleep, ever
- not enough water
I figured, if this class will help me become healthier, then it's worth it. If I can establish good habits with this course, doesn't matter if I lose weight or gain it (though I'd hate to gain it, blah), it's a good thing. It's going to be hard though, I REALLY do not want to give up my booze and sleeping habits. Everything else is just a matter of trying. AND I'm going to start going to the ARC regularly and hopefully start taking a contemporary dance class with Brandon every Sunday (:
Also, she (the instructor, also a professional dietitian/nutritionist) said she's going to test my fat percentage or whatever and my nutritional habits (I'm going to keep a log of what I eat for a few days), and that I can stay in the class despite being technically at a healthy weight because of the aforementioned shitty living habits, and the fact that almost everyone on my dad's side of the family suffers from diabetes.
So YAY YAY YAY healthiness. I wants it. But I also have an 8 am class tomorrow, so sleep for now.
Last note: Annie came over and made us vegan cookies. They were DELICIOUS, and I don't even usually like sweets. I ate 2 1/2 and felt like puking BUT it was soooo worth it at the time HAHAHAHA!!!
LAST last note: I'm on juicycampus.com! Wtf hahaha random, I didn't even know enough greeks knew me for me to ever be mentioned. So ridic.