(no subject)

Nov 28, 2008 22:53

First things first:


I know it's a day late ): But I wasn't able to post last night, and I figured later was better than never. I ♥ you to the ends of the earth, and I don't even know how you manage to handle my constant babbling about random shit (lately, mainly boy-related shit). You are amazing and I am SO, SO glad I had the opportunity to befriend you. Please don't ever lose contact with me, I think I would be heartbroken. You are an amazing person. I think you're one of the few people who have seen me progress from the girl I REALLY was in high school to who I am now (I certainly use the o_o face less, haha). Thank you for being you. I can't stress enough how good of a person you are.

Black Friday was today!!

Ridiculous amounts of shopping happened. I don't even want to know how much we spent, but I most definitely have lots more clothes now. Problem: How am I going to get them all back to Davis? ):

Soo ridonkulously tired. Plus point, though: we had sushi today! Part of what makes coming home so awesome is being able to eat delicious, delicious food. Thanksgiving dinner was a real treat as well. Although, we attended a group gathering (hosted by a family friend) and they had STICKY RICE STUFFING.

STICKY RICE STUFFING, I shit you not!! We are so asian it disgusts me sometimes, hahahahaha.

clothes, yay, food, random, shopping, too asian to handle, thanksgiving, ary, yum, birthday, vacation, breaks, tired

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