DC Trip, Part I and Cal Aggie Camp

May 08, 2008 10:06

Hello Loves! I'm currently writing from the Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel in Washington D.C. I just got in this morning at 7:30 am EST, and oh BOY were these past few hours full of firsts. Let me catalogue them quickly:

- First time flying by myself out of state
- First time being hit on (by a cute guy!) in an airport
- First time checking into a hotel room myself
- First time staying in a hotel room myself
- First time taking the Metro
- First time being in DC by myself
- First time ever ironing clothing (:O! So exciting)

So most of the things on that list aren't really that big of a deal...in fact, many of them I should have done by myself already. But y'know, whatevs. It still makes me happy.

Today Tessa and I are planning to explore the capitol before we head to the reception part of the conference. It should be v. fun! Plus, they hooked me up with a flippin HUGE hotel room! There's two queen sized beds in it...and I'm the only one staying here. It's very liberating, you know, to be able to walk around a hotel room completely naked and not have to worry about a friend/family member coming in and seeing you.

Also, I totally forgot to bring my black pants ):!! Boooo Tracey. Oh well...I'll figure it out.

OH! and I forgot to write an entry on Cal Aggie Camp Training weekend, so

Hillary dropped Erin and I there, and when we got there we almost got lost, which ended up being awesome cause we met three very fun individuals: Gabby, Paula, and Ashley. Eventually we found our way to the vans/other people, at which point we had to decide on our camp names. We settled on Tails for Erin, Bubbles for me, Badger for Levi, and Shawty, Niko, and Spork for Gabby, Paula, and Ashley, respectively.

The weekend itself was like 24 hours of vacation time--going up into the mountains, camping, playing camp games and singing songs, making posters and playing near the lake, toasting marshmallows and makings s'mores, performing skits and telling funny stories of past camp years while munching on trail mix and twizzlers. Plus, at night? Lying out underneath the sky and seeing that immense, awesome expanse of stars, uninhibited by artificial lighting, and the frame of tall redwoods...oh man. As corny as it sounds, it really did take my breath away.


yay, calpirg, cal aggie camp, friends, fun, traveling, firsts, conference, awesome

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