
Mar 06, 2008 03:19

There are so many things that I ought to get over. But naturally, thanks to me and my shitty ass willpower, I can't. Get over them, that is. And it's really fucking me over like crazy. It's just hard to admit certain things sometimes.

I almost wrote a bunch of really emo shit but then I deleted it. Y'all ought to thank the LJ gods that I didn't end up sullying your beautiful friends pages with it (:

WHY ARE MY SLEEP CYCLES SO FUCKED UP? ...Okay, answer is obvious, but still, again, example of shitty willpower. Oh, Tracey. Stop this madness!

Not a very amusing entry, apologies. Here's a little makeup gift (not as good as sex, I suppose, but I'm sure you can deal):


Some in the second album are ones I've posted in the last post or so, but if you click on the next few pages, you can see the newer pics.

Love you all, especially those of you who stay up way late and counsel my sorry emo ass even when I'm too lame to be any good for conversation anymore. You know who you are. ♥

PS omg project runway

sad things, schedule, random, wtf, pictures, friends, matters of the heart, confused, sleep, tired, angst, ouch, project runway

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