...With Final #2, in any case. Although to tell the truth, I didn't do that much studying for it. Which I suppose was fine, since it was French and isn't really too hard of a class anyway. I got a little tripped up on the conjugation of the word 'aller' and what the term for 'enough' and 'behind' were, but other than that it went really smoothly: I finished all ten pages in a little bit over an hour.
The reason for me not studying yesterday is mostly connected to me deciding to bake cookies. Rory was going to buy milk, so I went with him to Nugget and bought the appropriate ingredients, and started with the baking right when we got back, which is about the point in time Levi & Arnold showed up.
Levi and Erin settled to study in the living room, while Dan and Arnold (being the alkies they are) chose to make a quick alcohol run with Ramneek and played winepong...against themselves. They kindly provided me with a screwdriver to sip on as I baked. There is one thing I have to say about my experience baking yesterday: it is SO RIDICULOUSLY EASY to bake cookies when you have an electric mixer. Like, really, really ridiculously easy. I borrowed Hillary's and it was beautiful, how simple and arm-pain-free it was.
As I stated before, very little studying happened after that point. I did try, for a little bit: I made an honest effort to study, but the combination of the space heater, comfy couch, and warm comforter were lulling me to sleep. I ended up going into dan & ramneeks room, where they were talking with Arnold, and ended up getting very maliciously tickled by Dan and Arnold before an extremely awkward conversation started about, first, me and Arnold hypothetically breaking walls in the house by having sex and making babies in the future (comforting thought of the day: Erin thinks Arnold and I would make 'really hot' babies), and then secondly, a less awkward but nevertheless exasperating conversation about how Rory wants me to get caught in a scandal (preferably sexual) before my term ends.
Rob showed up after that and, naturally, the topic shifted to just ASUCD (more specifically, dumb people in ASUCD, and what ASUCD was like when Rob was a senator). Then there was a lovely little period of general laying about and being bums before Dan & Ramneek decided to retire to bed. Having nothing better to do, Arnold and I headed to Jack in the Box, which was amusing in the fact that he was trashed and I was not.
I then proceeded to watch the first episode of Firefly that I have ever seen, thanks to Rory. The show seems very good, though I watched a mid-season episode so I was missing a lot of the backstory. It amuses me to no end that they speak in chinese at RANDOM POINTS in the show, and they have shitty-as-hell American accents. Heeh. It was fun trying to decipher what they were saying.
After that was blissful sleep, until the next morning, which was full of Tracey being a sleepyhead, looking at pictures of hardcore bikers in Alaska, and discussing whether or not I should go to France or do Cal Aggie Camp. Such a hard choice ):!!!!