In which Tracey documents her weekend...

Dec 02, 2007 12:12

Oh, life.

I got sworn in!! Yay exciting. Farewells were a great event; no one cried this year! People said some very entertaining things. The meeting itself, for the most part, was pretty normal. We saw three pieces of legislation and that was pretty much it. Afterwards, I got a ride from Christine to Dan's house, where there was merriness and festiveness all around. I helped sew Levi's Mowgli costume in Erin's room until we accidentally spilled some beer.

It was then that I really started drinking, after which I did a lot of dancing and yelling at Dan that she was an amazing CALPIRG-er, and, as much as I don't like admitting it because of all the SHIT I'm getting for it now, made out profusely with Mike. Oooops. (In my defense, though, he DEFINITELY made the first move.) Apparently everyone in the house ended up running out (we decided a good place to do it would be in the middle of the kitchen, where everyone was standing) to watch. *facepalm*

Mark that as Stupid Tracey Moment No. 2. Or maybe 3, depending on what your definition of 'stupid' is.

Woke up in the morning and chilled with Genna, Dan, Ramneek, Erin, and Mike. We found an amusing drawing by Arnold and then later decided to go to Sophia's and get lunch. The day passed relatively uneventfully until the evening, when I had an indie with Levi and then we decided to get dinner at Crepeville, which resulted in a fortuitous meeting with a large amount of PIRGers, including Arnold, who I had not really talked to for a while. Then Christine picked us up and we went to the Relient K/Switchfoot concert, which was AWESOME (: I didn't really know the bands before, but oh man the show was great. Relient K wrote a song about The Office, which was AMAZING, and the lead singer of Switchfoot left the stage & came to the back to RIGHT WHERE WE WERE and sang a song there. Soo great.

After 4 hours of standing around, Levi and I were tired, but we'd promised Erin we'd hang out at their place. We met up with Jimmy at the bike racks and then biked over together & ended up playing Scrabble and Aggravation until 2:30 in the morning. Yay!

Woke up (once again at Dan's), played lots of videogames, went to the PIRG hardcore meeting for a few hours. Then returned to Dan's house, fiddled with the new PIRG website, played more videogames, ate, and biked home to get ready for Jessie's party. Her party was Disney themed, so I went with the easiest costume I could find: the witch from Snow White. Rory said he'd lend me a black cloak he had, and I was going to take an apple with me: simplest thing EVER.

Things didn't go quiiite as planned: I forgot the apple, and when I got into the car, Erin and Levi were sooo trashed already that I was too busy making sure they got out of the car and into Jessie's apartment safely to actually remember to grab the cape. It was just as well, though, because not many people were actually dressed up. The party itself was pretty awesome: they had a band playing live, and it was so warm in the apartment that when I walked in, my glasses fogged up.

Some interesting points of the night: Levi was soo drunk that he was pretty much dirty dancing with EVERYONE. At one point in time he had me pinned against the wall, and Dan told me later that some girl had mentioned that "they need to get a room" HAH! The rest of the night passed and, drama aside, was pretty decent. Thank God Dan was sober, though, because without her & Margaret, I don't know how I would have reined in Levi & Erin.

The next morning I woke up (Again at Dan & Ramneek's house, WOW), had a fun little discussion with the house, and then went with them to eat at IHOP. I am now heading to shop for Xmas gifts with Christine!

Some priceless quotes/moments:
- "I have a major hardon...want to feel it?"
- "I'm drunk, I'll do whatever you want me to."
- "I'm naked!"
- Levi peeing in the street/neighbor's lawn
- Erin & Levi on the sidewalk of Jessie's apartment complex
- The car ride back home (biting knees and lifting feet)
- The next morning

yay, calpirg, weird, random, wtf, friends, senate, fun, asucd, drunk

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