I'm still alive...I think.

Oct 25, 2007 01:13

Petitions turned in yesterday. Hardcore campaigning starts now--signing up volunteers to table, being out there all the time, presentations, etc etc etc. Aggie interviews this Friday (not for endorsements though, Richard P is trying something new this year), football game this weekend. Presentations start Monday, I'm chalking tomorrow morning at 6 am...fun times?

PLEDGE V CAMPAIGNING - what do I do?? ): boo. Time conflicts/conflicts of interest suck ass.

Also? It's really hard to not like someone when, you know, you see them all the time, and they say silly things that make you grin even when you're pissed off and angry and their grin makes you all fluttery and shit. I feel kind of ridiculous waxing poetic about a guy on my journal, like I'm twelve again and making entries encouraging people to vote for Avril Lavigne on TRL's top 10. Especially this guy. Especially because so many people know now (I'm a talkative drunk--forget torture, if you want to know something get me piss drunk). I don't think I've ever liked someone and told more than 2 or 3 people about it, and now it seems like all my close friends know. It makes me very self conscious about it :\

I don't know. It's weird...people will tell you, 'oh he's so into you', but how do you ever really know? These are your friends, of course they're going to say that he likes you...but blahhhhh.

And no, I'm not talking about 'Harry' - long story short, I realized if you don't feel sad at the thought that someone you 'like' might not like you back, you don't like them.

elections, stress, yay, calpirg, asucd, sleep, busy

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