Pet Peeves

Oct 15, 2007 01:57

a side note of pet peeves:
- obsession with nothing but relationships and the finding of them, dealing with them, and bitching about them.
- hypercompetetiveness
- biting off of other people's interests and trademarks
- lack of confidence to be individual (tied in with the above)
- cockiness
- laziness
- pseudointellectualism/attempts to be 'deep' and 'artistic' when really you're just a boring-ass dipshit who needs to validate your existence with weak attempts to seem smart/witty/cultured/sarcastic. zomg, amaze us with your biting wit and stunning sarcasm.
- fakeness (especially in people who really are supposed to be your friends)

The people who remind me of these traits seriously make me want to vomit/do violent things to them. Ugh.

pet peeves, angry, dumb people

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